No Dumping

easy online inventory systemIf you're a longtime reader of our blog you know that we frequently provide tips on how to avoid over-cluttering your home.  We've covered shopping tips, organizing tips, and tips on how to get rid of things that are just taking up space.  Today, we're offering some suggestions on how to recognize and combat the clutter that other people foist on you and how to use Stockpile easy online inventory system to keep your home clutter-free.

Wait, what? Other people are cluttering up your home? Chances are, yes, they are. Did something immediately come to mind? Even if you can't think of anything, you probably have some stuff that someone left with you. That's why step one is recognizing what you are holding on to for other people.

First, start small. Don't expect to go through your entire home in a day. Stockpile is an easy online inventory system, but cleaning out your whole house takes time and dedication. Choose a single room; your bonus room, storage room or attic are all good places to start. Take a hard look around. Do you see anything that you don't use? If so, is it something that you purchased or something that someone asked you to keep for them? Kids who no longer live at home are notorious for leaving things at Mom and Dad's. If you want to store stuff for your kids, and have the space to do it, good for you. If, however, storing their stuff is keeping you from being able to find your stuff and utilize your space effectively it may be time to ask them to pick up their stuff.

On the other end of the spectrum, your parents may be pawning stuff on you as well. As people age they tend to pare down their possessions. Often, the first things to go are those "treasures" they have been holding on to from when their kids were younger. Rather than throw that stuff away they offer it to the child who created it. If you have any mementos that your parents have sent your way, ask yourself if you really want to keep them. More than likely you haven't even gone through the box or bin they came in. Take some time to sort through and discard anything that doesn't have deep sentimental meaning for you.

What about friends and neighbors? Have they ever left anything at your house and promised to pick it up later? Have they loaned you something that you have yet to return? In both scenarios you are storing their items for free and it's probably costing you more than you realize. Now is the time to contact those people and ask them to retrieve their items. You're not running a storage facility and you shouldn't let people treat your home like one.

That brings us to step two in this process. Once you've identified the clutter that isn't yours to hold on to you need a plan for getting rid of it. You need to determine who it belongs to you and let them know that they need to come get it. Most of us struggle with this a bit. We want to be polite and we don't want to upset anyone so we are a little wishy washy when we say that their stuff needs to be picked up. If you've had it for awhile chances are they don't use it regularly and haven't missed it. This can make them less inclined to rush over to get it. You need to be firm and give the culprits a deadline. For example, "I've been reorganizing and really need you to pick up _____ that you left at my house. If you could get it by this date that would be great." If they don't follow through with that request you could contact them again and let them know that you will be donating or selling their item if it isn't retrieved by a certain date.  This puts the responsibility solely on them.

Organize Your Space with Stockpile Easy Online Inventory System

Once you've cleared out the clutter (other people's and your own) it's time to implement Stockpile easy online inventory system. Stockpile is the small business inventory solution that is perfect for at home use. Because it's fully customizable, Stockpile easy online inventory system allows you to choose which fields you'd like to include in item records. Adding records is quick and easy. Thanks to areas and locations you can be very specific about where items are stored. This makes it easy to find what you need, when you need it. Plus, having accurate data on what you own makes future shopping trips more successful. No more guessing about what you have and what you need. You'll easily be able to check your at home inventory because Stockpile easy online inventory system is mobile compatible. You can access your data anytime from anywhere. Want to see what Stockpile easy online inventory system can do for you? Try it today!

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