No More Unfinished Business

fast free inventory solutionEvery great project starts with a big idea. Whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, you start envisioning your success in your mind. You can see the end results, perfect and complete. The problem is that it is much easier to visualize that outcome than it is to actually achieve it. Sometimes our big ideas are a little too big. To meet your goal will require planning, motivation and lots of hard work.  All too often, we start a project and then quit before it is completely finished. The problem is that unfinished projects never achieve their potential and can actually, in some cases, make things worse.  Today, we're going to talk about tips to help you avoid this pitfall. Keep reading to learn more about how to successfully finish what you start and how Stockpile fast free inventory solution can help.

  1. Be realistic. Both when setting your goals and while planning out your project, you need to be realistic. Setting a goal to complete redo a room in your home in one weekend is not realistic. Unless the room was empty to begin with, it's going to take you hours just to clear it out and get it reorganized. Break the project up into smaller, more manageable segments. Make your goal one weekend to get the room cleared out. Your next goal might be to repaint the room and then the last goal would be to put everything back in an organized fashion. Once you have your goals you can start working on a timeline to complete them. Again, be realistic. Remember that you need to eat and sleep and you're going to want time to do something other than work on your current project.
  2. Stick to your stopping points. Sometimes when working on a project you get on a roll and you think that you can do a little more than you'd planned. While that seems great in theory it can be detrimental to your overall success. It's important to stop at a good point that will allow you to use your space or materials until you can start your next project. Leaving a project half finished can make it hard for you to use the room or supplies involved and as a result you end up undoing some of your hard work as a work around.
  3. Don't get stressed out. Completing a project is supposed to improve your daily life and make you feel accomplished and happy. If your current project is causing you stress, either your goals or your timeline were unrealistic. Stop, take a minute to breathe and consider how you can adjust your goals to reduce your stress level. Approach your project with calm optimism and give yourself permission to take your time.
  4. Make it sustainable. The best organization system in the world isn't going to help you if you can't maintain it over time. Organizing your closet by color is great if you're willing to hang your laundry up one piece at a time every week for the rest of your life. You can store spices alphabetically if you're willing to readjust the entire rack any time you purchase a new spice. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to organizing your stuff. Your system just has to work for you, but it needs to work for you today, tomorrow and a year from now to be really beneficial. Always consider how your system will impact your day to day use of the objects in question. Will it be easy to access what you need? Can you see yourself keeping things organized this way over time? If yes, great. If not, try to think of a better way to organize your stuff that will be more sustainable.
  5. Use Stockpile. Stockpile fast free inventory solution helps you organize your stuff, and keep it organized because it helps you track everything. Adding item records in Stockpile is quick and easy. When you create a record you can include a photo and use areas and locations to specify exactly where something is stored. No more digging around disrupting whole rooms as you search for one item. You'll know exactly where to find it and be able to quickly access it anytime you need it. When it's time to put it away, you'll know right where it goes. Plus, you don't even have to be at home to check on an item. Because Stockpile fast free inventory solution is mobile compatible you can access your item records anytime from anywhere. Standing in the mall wondering whether or not you have black pants that fit? Just check Stockpile. Will that lamp fit on your end table? Will the color match? It's easy to find out if you keep an inventory of the stuff you own in Stockpile.

Finish More Projects with Stockpile Fast Free Inventory Solution

Organizing your home provides so many benefits for your life. It can reduce your overall stress level, save you time and money, and allow you to spend more time doing the things that you love. Anytime you tackle a big project you want big results and you want them to last. We hope these tips help you achieve this goal. Keep checking back with our blog for more great tips. And if you're not already using Stockpile try it today!


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