The Last Little Push

easy to use home inventoryDo you ever start a project and then lose your motivation halfway through? If so, don't feel bad. It happens to the best of us. Many people take on large projects and then find their enthusiasm for the task waning before they've finished. Today's post will have some tips to help you find the push you need to keep going. Plus, we'll have some advice on how using Stockpile easy to use home inventory system can minimize the effort needed to get organized and stay organized. Keep reading to learn more!

Scope It Out

Managing the scope of a project from the beginning can really help you avoid the slump. Often a large project could be broken down into a few smaller projects. Doing this may make it seem like you have more work overall but that's not the case. Yes, your To Do list will be longer but that's just because you're detailing all the steps in the project, not because you're adding items to the plan. Seeing everything that will be involved in the project can really help you plan your time and manage your expectations. Instead of saying that your goal is to redo the back bedroom break the project into smaller tasks such as decluttering, painting, adding shelving/furniture/etc, and then reorganizing the back room. Making each step in the process a separate project can help you create achievable goals and allow you to find incremental success along the way.

Set Check Points

Within each project set several check points to gauge your progress. For instance, if you begin with decluttering you can divide the room into quadrants so that you can see your progress as you move around the space. You can also set a goal to get a certain amount done in the morning with another goal for the afternoon. This can allow you to see how much progress you're making and how much more you need to do. When you see how much you've already accomplished and how little remains to be done it can be easier to dig deep and keep going until you finish.

Be Realistic 

Setting realistic goals is key. Know your limitations and respect them when you estimate the time it will take you to get a project done. Once you've started the project don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes even when you start with a very reasonable estimate things can spiral out of control and take longer than expected. If this happens, don't worry and don't beat yourself up over it. Often a negative attitude will hinder you more than anything else. Staying positive and continuing to work towards your goal is the only way that you're going to finish your project.

Reward Yourself 

You know what motivates you most, use that to find the spark to keep going when your get up go deserts you. Whether it's a caffeinated drink, a special snack, or something else rewarding yourself for a job well done can be very motivating.

Make It Last 

One of the most frustrating things about completing a big project is how little time the results actually last. In many cases, it takes just days or weeks for things to lose the well organized status you worked so hard to obtain. Stockpile easy to use home inventory system can help. Using Stockpile makes it easy to track items in your home. This makes things easy to find and even easier to return to the proper spot. Thanks to areas and locations you can pinpoint where things are located. This allows you to identify the exact bin, basket, or shelf where something is stored. When things are easy to find you won't have to pull out multiple items in your search. Avoid creating unnecessary messes and save yourself tons of time in the process.

Another way to keep your home organized is to have the right baskets, bins, etc to hold everything. Stockpile easy to use home inventory system saves you money so you can afford to select the options that will work best for your space. With Stockpile you can track what you have at home and what you need so that you avoid buying items you don't need. This saves you money and keeps you from making multiple trips to the store. You can also track the price of items you buy frequently so you can tell if a sale is really a bargain or not. Because Stockpile is mobile compatible you'll have all this info at your fingertips even when you're on the go. Stockpile does all this and more and it's available for free. There are so many benefits to using Stockpile easy to use home inventory solution. Ready to get started? Try Stockpile now!

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