The End of Yard Sale Season

In most parts of the country, the end of autumn marks the end of the yard sale season. It is too cold for proprietors or customers to want to spend time outside conducting business. We've written a number of previous posts on hosting and attending yard sales. For more of our yard sale tips click here or here. Today we're here to provide some guidance on what to do with the stuff you have left after your last yard sale of the season.

During the peak months for yard sales, spring and fall, it can be wise to hold on to items if you think you'll host another sale soon. As you're moving into the winter months you would need to hold on to items for three months or more and that is seldom a great idea. The exceptions would be big ticket items that you can continue to use until you are able to sell them, and any item that you think you could sell through another channel such as an online sales site.

Often we hold on to unsold items because we perceive them as valuable and are optimistic about turning a profit when we sell them. If you have hosted a yard sale or two and haven't sold some items it is probably time to let them go. You may see them as having worth, but clearly your potential customers did not.  Keep reading for some tips on what to do with your unsold merchandise and how to use our quick easy inventory system to your advantage.

Trash. Throw away anything that is broken, missing pieces, or otherwise damaged. You should have done this before hosting your yard sale, but perhaps you didn't because you thought someone would buy the item for parts to repair something they already own. If this hasn't happened already, it's probably not going to.  Just let it go.

Donate. If you have books or other educational materials consider contacting a local school or church to see if they could use them. Otherwise look into the local charity of your choice that accepts used goods as donations.  Remember to keep accurate detailed records to receive the full benefit at tax time.

Upcycle. If there are some items that you just can't bear to donate or throw away look for alternate ways to use them in your own home. Clearly they ended up as yard sale fodder because you were done with them in their original function, but there may be a way for you to turn them into something else that you could use and enjoy. Peruse the web for inspiration. A good way to get started is by searching for "alternate uses" and the name of the item that you wish to repurpose.  Beware of anything that seems costly or outside of your skill set. Tackling a large, time consuming, or expensive project can do more harm than good.

Wrap Up Yard Sale Season with Our Quick Easy Inventory System

The best way to prepare for yard sale season, and the end of that time, is by using Stockpile. With Stockpile quick easy inventory system it's easy to add items and then track them within a single location or across multiple locations. Thanks to areas and locations you'll always know what you have and where you're keeping it. When the time comes to get rid of some of your possessions you'll easily be able to update your records so that you have the information you need when tax time comes. Get Stockpile today!


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