Thankless Job

fast inventory systemAs a parent, you probably feel like so many of the jobs you do go unnoticed and unappreciated. No one says thanks for the clean towels in the bathroom or the fresh sheets on the bed. They take for granted the hot meals, the fully stocked fridge and pantry and the fact that you keep the dust bunnies at bay. They are more likely to squawk if you arrive to pick them up a few minutes late than they are to say thanks for the long minutes you spent sitting in a hot car waiting for them to come out.  It can be frustrating to say the least. Be honest though, you were probably the same way when you were younger.  If you'd like to complete a job that will get you an enthusiastic "way to go!" from your family you should implement Stockpile fast inventory system at home.

Stockpile is an inventory management solution that was designed for small businesses but because it's fully customizable it works great for home use.  With Stockpile you can choose which fields you include in item records. You probably don't care about bar codes so leave them out. You might want a field that designates which member of your family is the primary owner of a given item so create one. Entering item data is quick and easy. You can start small by entering just new items or choosing to focus on one room at a time.  The benefits of using Stockpile are so numerous that we have no doubt you will want to continue adding items until you've covered your entire house.

How much time do you spend each week searching for misplaced items? Often this scenario is created by the fact that items don't have a defined storage spot. Organizing your home so that items have set places they belong is step one. The biggest challenge is often making sure that items are returned to the proper spot. Because Stockpile fast inventory system allows you to input both areas and locations you can be very specific about where things are supposed to be kept. For example, you could say that rain boots are kept in the location: garage on the area: bottom shelf. Now there's no excuse for someone not putting them back in the right place.

Do you ever waste time searching for things that you no longer own? Maybe you donated them to charity, loaned them to a neighbor, or they just wore out and need to replaced. Whatever the situation they are no longer at your home but you forgot and now have wreaked havoc turning your home upside down looking for something that can't be found. What a waste of time and energy! If you have item records in Stockpile it's easy to update them when items leave your home. A few clicks to pull up the record and you'll immediately know what happened to it.

Wouldn't it be nice to carry your home inventory in your pocket? You can thanks to Stockpile. Stockpile is mobile compatible so the next time you're standing in a store wondering whether or not you should purchase something new you can check your inventory to see if you really need it or not. It happens to all of us, we buy duplicates, pick up the wrong size or color or brand. Relying on our memories is a long shot at best. Having records so that we can confirm details can be a huge time and money saver.

Implement Stockpile Fast Inventory System | Your Family Will Thank You

When you organize your home with Stockpile it makes it easier for everyone in your home to locate items. You can resign your post as official finder of lost items and searcher for all things misplaced. Your family members may be resistant at first but, when they realize how easy it is to use Stockpile and how much more quickly they are able to find what they want and start using it they are sure to see the benefit.

You're still going to complete a lot of thankless jobs on a weekly basis but we're confident that you'll get plenty of praise for bringing Stockpile home. Try it today!

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