Six Month Checkup

quick easy home inventory
It's been just over six months since the new year started and by now most people have given up on their new resolutions. That's why we thought it would be a good idea to offer some motivation and support to help reenergize you and get you back on the right track.

Some of the most popular New Year's resolutions include losing weight, exercising more and organizing your life. We don't have tips to help you get fit but we can help when it comes to organizing your home.

July is a great time to take stock of your progress. It's probably hot outside and even if you enjoy the warmer weather, you probably need to come inside and take a break now and then. As always, our advice is to start small. Don't expect to conquer all your problem areas at once, or even in a weekend. Prioritize by deciding which areas will provide the greatest impact. If your living room is a wreck you may be embarrassed to have people, so starting there would be a great first step. Do you trip over clutter in your bedroom? If so, that clutter could be stressing you out and negatively impacting your sleep. Is your garage/shed/attic/storage area a black hole from which items never seem to return? Are you missing anything that you think might be in there? Dive in and see what you can find. If you started a project back in January and never quite finished it that could be a quick and easy completion.

Wherever you decide to start, you'll need to have a game plan. Before you jump in and start moving stuff around you'll need to have places for things to go. Do you need any shelving, bins or other containers? Make a list and buy them before you start. If you all you do is shuffle clutter from one spot to another you haven't really made any progress at all. You need to have specific places for things to go in an orderly, organized fashion if you want to be able to find and use them.

Once you have proper storage you'll need some boxes and garbage bags. As you sort, you'll find items that need to be trashed and some that can be donated. Sort them appropriately and give yourself a deadline to get them out of your home.

Resolve to Do Better with Our Quick Easy Home Inventory Solution

As you sort and organize create item records in Stockpile. Yes, it is an extra step. No, it will not take very long. Adding items into Stockpile is quick and easy. Plus, Stockpile is fully customizable so you can choose which fields you include. Your records will have all the details that you want to see and that will help them work better for you. Thanks to areas and locations you can be very specific about where items are stored. Out of sight, out of mind? Not in your house. You'll always know where to find things. Even when you're not at home. That's because Stockpile quick easy home inventory solution is mobile compatible. You can access your data anytime from anywhere. If you remember to update item records when things wear out or break, you'll always know what you need to replace as well. That can really improve your shopping strategy.

Organizing your home can make your life easier in so many ways. Using Stockpile to track your possessions increases those benefits. Stockpile quick easy home inventory solution saves you time and money. Want to see what Stockpile can do for you? Try Stockpile today for free!

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