It’s All in the Way You Label It

Labels can have a number of different connotations. As a society we try to avoid labeling people based on gender, nationality, or any other number of characteristics. Brand names are often referred to as labels. It not only tells you who manufactured an item but if you know the brand's reputation it gives you a good idea of the quality of the product. In Stockpile, our small business inventory management system, a label can be anything that you'd like to use to tag an item so that you'll be able to search for it later.

small business inventory managementOne of the biggest benefits of using Stockpile is how easy it makes tracking inventory. Adding items is quick and easy but that doesn't mean that you should rush though the process. Click here for a quick tutorial on adding items. Because Stockpile small business inventory management solution is fully customizable you choose which fields to include in your item records. Why try to make a solution fit your needs? Stockpile is designed to be adaptable so that it will fit your unique business.

As you're creating records be sure to include specifics. Stockpile has both areas and locations so that you can pinpoint exactly where items are stored.  Narrowing where to find something down to a room is great, but knowing exactly which shelf or cabinet it's in is even better. If an item moves it's easy to transfer to a different area and/or location.

Another key feature is the ability to search for items. That's why labels are so important. Labels allow you to add key words that you'd like to be able to search by. This can include descriptors such as color, size, style, brand, etc. You can really use any criteria that you think would be useful. Click here to learn more about how to add labels.

It can be helpful to get employee input during this step. Different people have different ideas about how to search for items. Gathering opinions from other employees can allow you to create robust records that will be helpful no matter who is conducting the search.

Searching is simple when you have plenty of good data to work with. This allows you to easy track items without any hassles or headaches. Need to run reports for tax time or the end of the year? That's also an easy process. Enter your criteria and let Stockpile do the rest.

Eliminating inventory issues can save your business time and money. It also gives you the opportunity to focus your energy on other areas of your business. Whatever your goals are, using Stockpile can help you reach them.

Trying our system should be a no-brainer. It's available for free. There is very little training required to learn to use the system and it can completely change the way that you handle inventory. With so many good reasons to use Stockpile, what are you waiting for? Try Stockpile today!

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