Category Archives: Home Inventory

No Dumping

If you're a longtime reader of our blog you know that we frequently provide tips on how to avoid over-cluttering your home.  We've covered shopping tips, organizing tips, and tips on how to get rid of things that are just taking up space.  Today, we're offering some suggestions on how to recognize and combat the…
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A Timely Conversation

Have you ever noticed how some months fly by while others drag on and on?  The ones that go quickly have a few things in common. You likely have lots of fun plans throughout the month. There are plenty of things that you are looking forward to and you stay busy. During the months that…
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Souvenir Savvy

Summer often equals summer vacations and those usually mean souvenirs.  When you return from your trip your newest trinket gets a place of honor in your home so that you can gaze it fondly and remember your trip.  Over time it gets moved, or replaced by the reminder of your next adventure and eventually it…
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Beat the Heat

When temperatures soar our motivation tends to wane. The hotter it is outside, the less we want to do. If it's too hot to truly enjoy being outdoors it can be a great time to work on some inside projects that you've been putting off. Number one on your list should be decluttering and organizing…
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