Category Archives: Home Inventory

When the New Wears Off

Some people believe that things aren't good until they're broken in, others really like the shiny newness. For those people, the challenge is learning to love their stuff once the new wears off and resisting the urge to buy something new simply because it is new. In the interest of helping you declutter and keep…
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You Wear It So Well

We all have favorite items of clothing, those pieces that fit well, are comfortable and generally just make us feel good. You may have some items that go very well together and others that are harder to match up. Whether you like to wear the same things together time and again, or would just like to…
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“I Have Nothing to Wear!”

You know the feeling.  You dig around in your closet for precious minutes and can't find anything to suitable to wear.  In frustration, you exclaim "I have nothing to wear!" Now if you truly had nothing to wear the search of your closet wouldn't have taken any time at all. The mere fact that you…
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When in Doubt, Don’t Buy It!

If you read our blog frequently, you know that we have lots of tips for managing the stuff you own. Today, we're going to talk about how you can avoid owning too much stuff in the first place.  Keep reading for some tips to help you streamline your shopping routine and save yourself time, money…
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