A Timely Conversation

simple home inventory systemHave you ever noticed how some months fly by while others drag on and on?  The ones that go quickly have a few things in common. You likely have lots of fun plans throughout the month. There are plenty of things that you are looking forward to and you stay busy. During the months that drag you likely have less going on. Often the weather is less than ideal so you are stuck inside more as well.  It all adds up to boredom and discontent which can make every day feel longer than normal.

If you'd like to learn how to make the slow times more fun, keep reading for some tips.

  1. Find a project. We all have projects that we need to get done. Choose one to focus on the next time you're bored. It might not be fun, but it will be rewarding to accomplish something. Plus, when you are busy working time will fly by.
  2. Clean and declutter. Clearing out the clutter will pay off in the long run. If you get rid of the things that you don't want or need it will be easier to locate the things that you do use. The next sunny day when you have something fun planned you'll be able to get out the door faster and enjoy your day more.
  3. Call a friend. We rely so much on texts and e-mail to communicate these days that phone conversations are becoming a thing of the past. The next time you have a stretch of time with nothing planned, give a friend that you haven't talked to in awhile a call. It will be great to catch up and you never know how that contact will impact your friend as well. Sometimes hearing from an old friend can be the highlight of your day.
  4. Prepare for the next busy month on the calendar. The months that fly by are the ones when you have things to look forward to. If this is a slow month, look ahead to the next month. Start planning activities now and get an idea of what you'll need to maximize your fun. Often, when we're busy, we rush out the door forgetting things that we need or we get where we're going and think of something that it would have been nice to have. Taking some time to consider options now will allow you to be very prepared when you do go.
  5. Implement Stockpile. Using Stockpile to track your possessions will provide numerous benefits. Not only will you know what you have, you'll also know where to find it. Did you get rid of something? Do you already have a spare at home? What size/color/brand is your item? You'll be able to answer all these questions and more thanks to Stockpile simple home inventory system. Stockpile is mobile compatible so you can access your data anytime from anywhere. Adding item records will help you pass the time now and it will save you time later when you have things you'd rather be doing. Talk about a win-win situation.

No one likes to watch the minutes tick by slowly. We'd all much rather be out doing something fun and enjoying ourselves. The tips above will help the slow times pass more quickly and they will provide longterm benefits.

Get More Done with Stockpile Simple Home Inventory System

Stockpile is the small business inventory solution that is perfect for at home use. Tracking your stuff in Stockpile doesn't just keep you organized, it also saves you time and money. Using Stockpile can help you get more use out of the things you own and enjoy your activities more.  You'll stress less when you can easily find what you need and get out the door faster. Try Stockpile today!

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