Canned Good Chaos

Have you looked at your pantry lately? I mean, taken a really good look. If you're like most of us, you have a pantry, shelf or cabinet full of canned goods. These days we're all more focused on our health and eating healthy so we don't even eat canned goods that often. So, why do we have so many cans of food on hand?

If you're a prepper, one of those people stocking up for the end of civilization as we know it, having a ton of canned goods makes sense. Otherwise there's no reason to have so many cans cluttering up the kitchen.

Canned goods typically have a long shelf life which can good and bad. It's good because you don't have to use them right away. Fresh foods have to be consumed within about a week, canned goods will last for years. And therein lies the bad. Canned goods stay good for so long that you often forget when, why, and even that you bought them.

Most of us store canned goods in neat rows. That means that as we add new canned goods the older ones get pushed to the back where they can easily be forgotten. Before you know it, you have lots of expired canned goods taking up space. UGH!

If this sounds like your house, you need an inventory solution. Stockpile can help you track your canned goods and tame the chaos. Again, this is a small project that you can complete in an about an hour or less. It's a great way to try out Stockpile and start seeing the benefits of using our inventory solution in your home.

Adding items into Stockpile is quick and easy. Stockpile inventory solution is fully customizable so you can choose which fields you'd like to include in item records. You'll probably want to know what brand you have, what size can, and the expiration date. You can also include your favorite recipe that uses this product, the price you paid for it, or the store that carries it if it's a unique brand that you can't find just anywhere. Whatever details are important to you can be included in your item record.

You probably won't need to use both areas and locations to track your canned goods. Most people keep all these items together, but it's nice to know that you have that option if you need it. Maybe you keep the most used canned goods in the kitchen and the surplus in laundry room or other nearby storage area.

Speaking of having so much surplus, most of us don't set out to have the equivalent of the grocery store canned good aisle in our own home. It sort of sneaks up on over time as we keep buying more of what we have already have on hand. Stockpile can help you avoid overbuying as well. Because Stockpile inventory solution is mobile compatible you can access your item records anytime from anywhere on your favorite mobile device. Do you really need more canned peas? Check Stockpile and you'll know before you buy. How often do you get extra cans of the things you already have and forget the one thing that you actually needed? This won't happen if you have Stockpile. You can see exactly how many cans of each type of food you already have at home and what you need more of.

Quick, Easy, & Powerful | Stockpile Inventory Solution

Many people worry that keeping their Stockpile records up to date will be more trouble than it's worth. When you consider how easy it is to open an item record and update the quantity compared to the hassle of running back to the store to get something you forgot, or worse, the pain of sore toes after that extra can of beans fell off the shelf and landed on them, I'm sure you'll agree Stockpile is the better way to go.

Stockpile inventory solution was designed to make your life easier. To help you live better and have more time to enjoy doing the things that you love. Try Stockpile today!

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