Anything But Your Basic Bookshelf

Thanks to technology we can now download books to our favorite devices and carry an entire library right in our purse or pocket. While this is convenient, many people still prefer the feel of an actual book. If you're a book lover you probably have quite a collection of dogeared favorites and some tomes that you haven't even cracked the cover on yet. Unless you have a system for tracking the whereabouts of said books, both can easily be misplaced.

Never fear, thanks to Stockpile easy inventory system you can create a virtual library catalog to track your collection. Stockpile was designed as a small business inventory solution but because it's fully customizable it's easy to apply Stockpile for at-home uses as well.  When you enter data into Stockpile you choose the fields that make the most sense for your use. If ISBN numbers don't mean a thing to you, don't include them. Want to track which edition you own of each book in your collection? You can do that. Include title, author, price, purchase place, number of pages, whatever information you think you'd like to be able to look up without having to pull the book off the shelf.  It's your inventory system - make it work for you.

How many times have you stood in a book store skimming a book trying to remember if you've already read it? Stockpile easy inventory system is mobile compatible so you can pull out your device and check your inventory. If you already own it, you'll know in a flash. Never buy another duplicate (unless, of course, you want to own multiple copies.)

Most of us don't have enough shelf space to display all of the books that we own. That's why a number of volumes end up stashed in closets, boxes, under beds. It can be tricky to remember where the books are or to know where to find the particular one that you are looking for. Stockpile takes all the guesswork out of tracking down your books. Thanks to areas and locations you can pinpoint the exact spot where each book is kept.  When it's that quick and easy to find the book you want you'll have more time to actually read it!

Do you ever try to remember what the cover of your favorite novel looks like? You can add photos to item records in Stockpile so you can check out that cover art anytime you're interested. This can also be helpful if you're trying to match the same style cover for books in a series. It might be easy to remember whether you started in hardback or paperback but the different covers can often be similar making it harder to match the style of what you already have at home.

Better Bookshelf Organization Starts with Our Easy Inventory System

You may not have a degree in Library Science, but thanks to Stockpile easy inventory system you can track your literary collection like a true librarian.  Always knowing what books you own and where to find them can be a real time and money saver. And, if there are two things that any book lover can use more of it's time and money. Try Stockpile today!



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