2013 is the year of small business and new tools like online inventory systems make it possible!

Online inventory management is a new thing to small businesses (at least many of them). That's why we built Stockpile to be simple yet flexible so that any number of small business industries can join in on the fun. Our online inventory system, Stockpile, has many features and functions like tracking a variety of situations for adding and removing stock (such as new, damaged and returns). Beyond simple inventory management tasks we also keep up with cost accounting for each item you enter into the database. It's like having your very own virtual stockroom online. Except this room is smart and keeps up with how things change over time.

Imagine for a minute how powerful it is to look at each inventory item you own and know exactly how much it cost you and your average profit margins. Our tool does just that. Again, it's inventory management with a ton of informational items that help you make better decisions for your small business.

If you can understand cost and profit margins there's not reason you can't fill your shelves with items that sell best and offer the best return. This way you maximize your stock and physical space so that your bottom line reaps the benefits. Information is power. Don't be left out in the cold guessing every time it's time to reorder. Know your numbers, make a plan and take control of your profits. What's that? You already manage inventory in this manner? That's okay because our tool will do what takes a few hours by hand in a manner of seconds. Surely you could use the time back:-)

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