Regardless of what the economy does, all small businesses could benefit from improving their bottom line. A healthier bottom line can make the best times better and get you through the lean times. After you’ve exhausted all your marketing and sales strategies, how do you find new ways to improve your bottom line? The answer to this question mostly revolves around becoming more efficient with what you already have: resources, processes, etc. To become more efficient in how you're managing your assets, look to the cloud. We built Stockpile, an online inventory system for small business, with efficiency in mind.
Cloud computing can have significant benefits for small businesses. And online inventory management for your small will be much, much easier.
- Access to Higher End Solutions: Investing in cloud computing solutions gives small businesses access to the kind of technology previously only affordable to large corporations. Talk about leveling the playing field. Your small business deserves world class software solutions and the cloud puts them well within reach.
- Less Hardware Required: Why buy your own server when you can store your data on someone else’s? The cost of “renting” space is far less than purchasing your own hardware. You can often rent space on a larger more robust server than you could afford to buy on your own, so once again the cloud gives you more for less.
- Reduced Maintenance Costs: Don’t own the server? You don’t own the maintenance costs either. Similar to renting an apartment the majority of the maintenance costs are borne by the server owner, not the data tenants.
- Less Staff Required: No onsite server = no need for onsite IT personnel to monitor and maintain server hardware. You may still need IT support but perhaps part-time or even on call support will suffice.
- Less Worry: Not your server, not your staff, not your problem when there’s a server outage. When you’re paying for a service (data storage) the company you are contracting with agrees to provide working servers. If there’s a problem they have the staff to solve it. At Canvus, we offer free support for products like our online inventory system. We know how important good support is to your business.
- Portable, Productive, & Profitable: Storing your data in the cloud removes the need to be at work to get work done. When you can access your data anytime, from anywhere you can easily stay on top of your business. This will allow you to be more productive. Have fifteen minutes to focus on business decisions? Why waste it in the car driving to the office? Access your data from wherever you are, make the necessary decisions and move on to other things. Done.
Many people will tell you that you need to stay grounded to make your small business a success, but to improve your bottom line you really need to get your head in the cloud. To start realizing the benefits of cloud computing for your inventory needs, try Stockpile today. Our free, online inventory management solution is quick and easy to implement. You’ll be amazed by how much you can do with our feature-rich solution. Don’t wait, try Stockpile today - the world's best free online inventory system!