Tracking who sold what in your store is a lot easier when using an inventory system.

If you are a business owner, do you have a hard time identifying which one of your employees sold a product to one of your customers? This type of information can be beneficial to business owners to help with doing reviews and follow-ups with customers about their buying experience. It also helps with identifying which of the employees are the businesses best sales staff. With this information, business owners can reward these employees with bonuses or other incentives. When you're looking for an inventory system, make sure you can track transactions at the level you need to perform like analysis.

History from an inventory system can help prevent past mistakes.

Transactional information can help business owners retain productive employees and also identify the employees who are not adding value to their business operations. This is key during a time when skillful people are out of work and looking for a job.

Using an inventory system that track transaction these type of details can help you make good business decisions. Whether it's staffing, ordering, promotions or other areas of operations; information is key in making the right call. Depending on what type of functionality the business owner is looking for, there are a lot of options available to them when it comes to picking an inventory management system. Business owners need to look for a system that meets their needs, and is not so complex that it will deter them from using it.

Stockpile, by Canvus, is an online inventory system that provides the a wealth of functionality with very few clicks/buttons. The application's simple design allows users to login and perform the functions necessary to do their jobs in short order. The incorporation of buttons, rather than menus, improves the efficiency of your staff and reduces the time they spend in the inventory system. This will allow them to be more customer focused which is going to impact service in a positive manner.

If you're still on the fence as to whether an inventory system is right for you, then consider this. The cost for Stockpile is free. Yes, you heard it right. It's free so login today!

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