Stockpile: Your Personal Inventory System!

An inventory system that will allow you to lend and track your stuff!

Do you have a hard time remembering who you let borrow certain things? I run into this problem all the time. It becomes a problem when you are trying to do work around the house and can't find the tool you are looking for. Inventory management has become a big problem for me. That's why I use Stockpile, the free online inventory system. I let a friend borrow my weed eater a while ago and this past weekend I was in need of it to tighten up my back yard. I went to look for it in the garage and could not find it. I then had to start calling my friends to see who I let borrow my weed eater. After about 30 minutes, I was finally able to track down where it was. Wouldn't it be easier to know where all your items are by simply looking it up.

I had to figure out this problem so I started searching to see if there were tools out there that will allow me to manage my personal inventory. Stockpile by Canvus will allow you to just do that. The application allows the user to enter in items and then transfer them to location (in this case another person's home or storage bin). You enter in all your items and one location and call it 'My House' and then create new locations with your friends names. Any time you allow a friend to borrow an item just transfer that item from 'My House' to your friends. This will allow you to track all your items in a single place and the best thing about Stockpile is that it is free and you can access it online from any device that has an internet connection and a web browser. Managing home inventory is a hassle for everyone. If you configure stockpile correctly it can be useful in managing items not only for businesses but for your home as well.

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