Something Is Better Than Nothing

We often justify procrastinating on jobs that we don't want to do because we don't have enough time to get the job done. We make noise about wanting to do it right and make excuses as to why we just don't have enough time. The truth is that, with most jobs, even just doing a little bit would be far better than continuing to put the job off.

Consider cleaning out your closets. In a previous post we talked about how much money an over stuffed closet actually costs you. Letting that situation continue to worsen is only going to make the job that much harder and more time consuming. Even if you only have a few minutes you can probably find at least one or two items that you don't wear anymore.  Pull them out and start a donation pile. As you get dressed each day consider the clothes that you are rifling past in search of your favorites. If you can't remember the last time you wore something it might be time to let it go.  Keeping adding items to the donation pile and you'll be surprised by how quickly it grows.

The bathroom is another room that can get cluttered before we realize what's happening. You decide to try a new product before you completely finished off the last one and then it happens again and again. Suddenly you have two open shampoos, several conditioners and various other styling products. Left unused they will go bad. Again, just a quick visual inspection while you're getting ready each day can help you weed these products out. If you are constantly reaching for the same ones get rid of the jars and bottles that are just taking up space.

Even the kitchen is not immune to the clutter bug. Most of us are good about keeping the fridge cleaned out but the pantry and cabinets are ripe for becoming overstuffed. A mid week change of plans has us revising our menu and some items get pushed to the back of the pantry. Give it a week or two and we've completely forgotten that they're even there. If we do decide to make that meal in the near future we often rebuy the ingredients.  As you make your next dinner reach to the back of the pantry and see what you find. Check the expiration date. If it's expired, toss it. If you've still got some time left move it to the front so that you'll use it sooner rather than later.

Every little bit will make a difference. You may not have the time, energy or inclination to spend an entire day cleaning out a particular room or area in your home. That doesn't mean that you can't make progress that will have a positive impact on your life.

Get Organized with Our Easy Inventory System

Of course, if you use Stockpile easy inventory system to track the items you buy you're already ahead of the game. A few clicks will tell you if you have clothes that you don't wear anymore, expired styling products or items in the pantry that are about to go bad. Stockpile easy inventory system makes it easy to track the items within your home and get the most out of them. Stockpile saves you time and money on a daily basis. Plus, Stockpile is mobile compatible so you can access your inventory data even when you're away from home.  Try Stockpile today!

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