Have you every spent time looking for your keys in the morning? Even worse, did you agree to switch cars the night before so you could use the van to take the kids to school and realize that you have no idea where your spouse put the keys? The plan looked great on paper, but they are off to work and you are checking 'the counter' for your ticket out the door. Of course, there are a couple of counters - each with quite a few things on them that aren't keys. It turns out the island counts as a counter and they are right there under yesterday's mail. Clear as mud, right? A simple agreement to use a specific shelf or hook could have saved you a lot of time and frustration. That's why we built our small business inventory management tool. To save you time and frustration!

A great feature of Stockpile is that it allows you to setup as many users as you need to delegate your inventory management. Between locations, areas and labels, we provide several great ways to keep things organized. Part of the power of Stockpile is its flexibility. But as we learned earlier, managing your inventory is as much physical as it is virtual. In addition to carefully planning your inventory space, documenting your procedures and policies becomes vital in a team environment.

Here some examples of things to document about the virtual part of your system:

1. Areas: Do you want these to be physical or logical areas? Is there a set list that should be used?

2. Labels: What attributes do we want to capture for different types of things (size, color, flavor, etc.)

3. Transaction Comments: What special events warrant an extra note? What is important to capture.

Remember to document physical or non-software policies as well:

1. Returns: Where do they go for processing.

2. Damaged Stock: Who gets notified?

3. Opening and Closing: What needs to happen at the start and end of each day?

However small your team is, this communication is key to keeping your whole system moving smoothly. Sign up today and let Stockpile get you started!

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