Organization and Your Small Business Inventory: Part II

Have you every tackled a junk room or closet like we discussed before? Putting in the time in to sort the good from the bad can be very rewarding. You can't get that time back though, so you want to spend it wisely. The real trick, and the greatest reward, is stopping that build up from happening again. This means making a dedicated home for the great stuff that you keep. In some cases, it can be a matter of installing a simple hanging closet organizer or a small bookshelf. When it comes to your small business inventory management, it's a matter of setting up your items in a trusted system. This system has two parts:

1. The tracking of your transactions.

2. The physical organization of your stock.

Inventory management extends beyond transactions and accounting. Managing your space and the care of your stock is vital to getting the most out of it. Your system needs to be clean and efficient both virtually and physically. No system can help you if don't arrange your items in an easy to access manner. But how? You may have a perfectly organized stockroom but find that you spend most of your time hauling things out from the very back or making awkward trips to fill orders. This is where Stockpile can help.

As you enter your transactions, you'll soon start seeing trends. Perhaps you have several items that always seem to be bought at the same time. You might want to store those things close together. Often small percentage that have significantly higher turn over than most of what you carry. Those items should be effortless to retrieve and re-stock. Notice an unusually high damage rate on something? Maybe you don't have it in the best place.

Sign up for free and let Stockpile help you get control of your small business inventory management issues!

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