Library Love

fast free inventory solutionYou don't have to be a bibliophile to have a lot of books at home. Even with the popularity of Kindle and the like most people still purchase actual books. Once bought we usually hold on to them and before you know it you can have quite the collection. Very few of us have room for a dedicated library within our homes so those books often end up sprinkled throughout the house. That can make locating a particular book when you want very difficult indeed.  Thankfully there's Stockpile. Stockpile fast free inventory solution is the perfect way to track your book collection.

Adding records in Stockpile is quick and easy. Stockpile is also fully customizable, allowing you to choose which fields you add to each record. You probably don't care about the ISBN number of each book but it could be helpful to know whether you have that tome in hardcover or paperback. You can even include photos in Stockpile so that you'll know exactly what the cover and spine look like when you're searching. Of course, if you use areas and locations you won't have to search at all. You'll know exactly where to find the volume that you're looking for. For example, you could add a location of "living room" and then an area of "built-in bookshelf, right". Taking the time to pinpoint the location like that can be a real time saver when you're searching for something. Speaking of saving time, how nice would it be if the rest of the family could locate books without your assistance? Thanks to Stockpile fast free inventory solution they can! Just a few clicks and they'll know where to look without you pointing the way.

Show Your Library Some Love with Stockpile Fast Free Inventory Solution

Did you know that using Stockpile to track your books can save you money as well? Have you ever fallen for the new cover, same old book trap? It's happened to the best of us, you think you've found a new work by your favorite author only to get it home and realize that you already own this one just with a different cover. Aagghh! Because Stockpile fast free inventory solution is mobile compatible you can access your inventory right there in the bookstore. Check your stock and see if you already own that title before you spend your hard-earned cash on something you already own. Save yourself that time and money wasting trip back to the store to return the duplicate.

If you have family members that love to read as well, Stockpile can help you track their collections too. Does your teen already have that sequel? Check Stockpile and you'll know whether you should pick it up or pass it by.

Books are very lendable so it's likely that some of yours have found their way to other homes. If you'd like to get them back it would be nice to know who borrowed them last. With Stockpile you can easily keep track of who you loaned what book too and when. Now you'll know whether they've had for months or just a few weeks. You can even record the condition that it was in when you loaned it to them so that if it comes back overly worn you'll know.

If you love books, you'll love using Stockpile fast free inventory to manage your collection. Try Stockpile today!

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