Kitchen Accessories

easy home inventoryRecently we did a post on using Stockpile to track your jewelry, essentially your personal accessories. Today, we're back to talk about kitchen accessories.  Many of the small appliances in your kitchen have accessories, attachments and spare parts that you need to keep track of. In some cases they can easily be stored with the appliance they go with, but other items need to be kept elsewhere. That is usually where the trouble starts. When you need that particular part you have no idea where to look for it. Suddenly you find yourself tearing the kitchen apart trying to find the piece you need.  That turns into a whole kitchen reorganization project and whatever you were going to cook or bake gets pushed to the back burner, literally.

So, how can Stockpile help? If you're a longtime reader, you already know. But, keep reading, we have some tips that you may not have thought of.  For all the newbies, we're going to walk you through step by step.

  1. Right out of the box. When you bring a new appliance home, enter it, and its parts, in Stockpile. Make a note of where each piece is stored, what it is used for, and what it looks like. You can even take a picture to include in your item record. Now you can store the accessories in a convenient spot without worrying that you won't be able to find them later. You'll always know where to look, thanks to Stockpile. Using areas and locations you can be very specific about where parts are stored.
  2. As you reorganize. Most people have a moment when they decide it's time to reorganize the kitchen. Maybe you've realized that your kitchen isn't working for you, maybe you've had a meal derailed by things you couldn't find, or maybe you're just ready for a change. Whatever the reason, if you're ready to reorganize now is a great time to implement Stockpile. Yes, it takes time to create item records, but it will save you time for years to come. It is well worth the little bit of extra effort to reap the longterm benefits.
  3. Appliance graveyard. We wish appliances would last forever, but these days they seldom make it ten years. What that means is that most of us have replaced several small appliances. When you got rid of the main appliance, did you remember to discard or donate all that pieces that went along with it? Probably not. That means that when you go looking for that beater you might find the one that went with the old mixer. Try to jam it in and now you've damaged your new mixer.  Ugh! If you had a Stockpile record you would know what parts to get rid of anytime something in your kitchen stops working.  Plus, finding them would be quick and easy so there's no reason to put off getting rid of them.  Don't keep storing parts that go to appliances you don't even own anymore. Who has that kind of extra kitchen space?

Get More Out of Your Kitchen Thanks to Stockpile Easy Home Inventory Solution

Your kitchen should work for you. Whether you like to cook or not, your kitchen should make your life easier, not complicate the process.  If you use Stockpile easy home inventory to track your small appliance accessories you'll always be able to find the parts and pieces that you need to do what you want.  Stockpile makes your life easier on a daily basis. Try Stockpile today!

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