Be honest, how many things do you own that you only partially know how to use? Most of us are guilty of learning how to make the things we own perform the functions that are most important to us without ever bothering to learn what else these products can do. If you've only been using…
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Who Needs Inventory Management Solutions?
Retailers know that they need inventory management solutions but many other people mistakenly believe that they don't. They think that because they don't sell products they don't have inventory. That simply isn't true. All businesses have supplies that they need to keep track of. From the paper for the office printers to the toilet paper…
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Lessons from the Restaurant Tableside Ordering System
By now you've probably seen a tableside ordering system somewhere around town. You may have even used one a time or two. The concept is great. Why wait for your server to come back by and check on you? You can order refills or dessert anytime using the handy system on the edge of your table.…
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Girl Scout Cookie Sales and Inventory Management
It's that time of year again, Thin Mints, Thanks-a-lots and more are available nationwide. For the troop cookie moms and parents of Girl Scouts everywhere, the challenge is how to keep track of all those cookies now that most councils have gone to direct sales. Today, we're here to tell you how Stockpile easy inventory solution…
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