Keeping Your Inventory Management System Simple

Stockpile | The best online inventory management system!

Stockpile, the free online inventory management system by Canvus Apps makes tracking your goods simple. It doesn't have to be hard to stay on top of your daily transactions. We know that small businesses vary widely in how they operate and have made Stockpile streamlined and flexible to meet your needs. If you are just tuning in, let's review some of our optional features to help you get sorted.

Feel free to organize your items with:

* Locations: Handle multiple stores

* Areas: Group things logically (Shoes, Shirts, Pants, etc.), or physically (Shelf A, Bin B, etc.)

* Labels: Tag items by size, color, or anything you like

* Transaction Comments: Add a quick note for any add or remove to keep track of anything out of the ordinary

Or not! As a small business, you are more likely to have to adjust to changing circumstances and handle special requests. Stockpile aims to give you the tools to keep track of those while getting out of your way while you get things done. Signup and try Stockpile. Get a handle on your inventory with a tool that won't weigh you down with anything that you don't need, including another expense! And don't forget our greatest asset is you. We appreciate and take into account much of the feedback that our users/partners provide. Don't be shy. Tell us what you think and we'll do our best to accommodate your request in our next release of the free online inventory management system, Stockpile.

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