Getting All Your To-do’s Done

This time of year it seems like the To-Do lists just keep getting longer so it seemed like a great time to revisit some tips for getting things done. The first rule is to make a list. Heck, we even do this when building out our online inventory system. Trying to keep track of all the various things that you need to do in your head is a surefire way to forget something. How many times have you gone to the store without a list and then gotten home only to realize that you forgot an item you meant to pick up? If you can’t accomplish a simple trip to the store without a list, how do you expect to juggle all your other obligations without one? Whether you go for good old-fashioned pen and paper or an electronic version, having a list will help you track the things that you need to get done. Plus, you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment as you check things off your list. Trust me, each new feature we build for our online inventory system comes with its very own release celebration! Seeing a row of check marks is a lot more exciting than just checking things off in your head. Looking for an online to-do list app? Review our post here for some suggestions.

Okay, now you’ve got what you need to record your list. Before you start jotting stuff down we have a few more suggestions to help you get organized. To improve your efficiency, group like items together. That way when you’re scanning your list tasks that can be combined will be close enough together that you’ll see the benefit and be able to work them in together. There’s nothing more frustrating then coming to an item on your list and realizing that you could have easily done it back when you checked something off your list. It can really make you feel like you’re wasting your time, and as a small business owner you know that you don’t really have any time to waste if you want to keep growing your small business and stay ahead of the competition. Another great idea is to create separate lists for business and personal tasks. It can be very distracting to see a number of personal To-do’s on your list while you’re trying to focus on work. Often the personal items are more fun and then you find yourself wishing that you could stop what you’re doing and turn your attention to these tasks. Certainly not helpful when it comes to getting things done. Focus fully on whichever list you’re working on at the time. It will increase your efficiency and allow you to check things off more quickly.

As we’ve suggested in the past, if your list gets to be too long - delegate. Look for items that can be completed by others. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Often we feel like we need to do everything on our own and that’s simply not true. If someone doesn’t have the time or the ability to help, they can always say so. You might be surprised by how willing others are to help though. You never know unless you ask.

Remember to reward yourself for a job well done. Too often we get caught up in the rush, rush, rush and we forget to take a moment to breath and relax. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again - stress is not good for you or your small business. Each month we try and give each other a pat on the back for all the efforts we put into making Stockpile the best online inventory system around.

Review our post on how reducing your stress can improve your small business. Whether you’ve just completed a long, complicated task or a quick and easy one, you deserve a break. Take a minute to enjoy something that relaxes and refreshes you. The small amount of time you “lose” may pay big dividends in the long run as you’ll be ready to tackle your next task instead of just slogging on.
Creating a to-do list will help you get things done. You’ll be amazed by what a difference it can make for your small business. Looking for other ways to get things done? Try Stockpile! Our free online inventory system will help you record and track inventory quickly and easily. With Stockpile you can access important inventory data anytime, from anywhere. No more trekking to the office just to find out if you have an item on hand or need to order more. Stockpile makes it easy to find the free time that you need to handle the rest of your to-do list. When your inventory issues are handled this well, you’re free to focus on other aspects of your small business and that’s a great way to get things done. Try Stockpile today!

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