Find New Reasons to Love Your Stuff

fast easy inventory systemSheryl Crow said it best in her hit song 'Soak Up the Sun', "It's not having what you want. It's wanting what you've got." We often get caught up in believing that the next thing we buy is going to make us happy. Then the thrill fades and we buy something else. Before you know it, you have a house full of stuff that you don't really want at all. We've talked a lot about decluttering your home and that is a great place to start. Click here for some tips on decluttering.  Today's post is going to focus on finding ways to use, and love, the stuff that you decide to keep.

  1. Multi-purpose. Most people love a good deal. It's why sales are so popular. Finding a second or third use for items you own can be like getting a bonus deal on an item that you bought. Be creative and don't be afraid to think outside the box, especially when considering items that you don't use frequently. Coming up with new ways to use them can be a real boon.
  2. Create matches. We do it with the clothes in our closets, why not with other possessions as well? Like the shirt that doesn't get worn because we aren't sure what to pair with it, other items are left to gather dust when we don't when to use them. If you match a seldom used item up with some things that are frequently accessed you may start getting your money's worth out of both things.  Would that hat be good to wear when you walk with your friend? What about that sunglass strap? Do you have small cooler bags or drink holders? Once you start finding uses for things you may come up with several ideas. Getting started is often the hardest part.
  3. Share. We've been taught since preschool days the importance of sharing. When it comes to finding uses for unused goods sharing can be the answer. Perhaps you don't use that floral wire very often but your ten year old might see a great way to incorporate it into her artwork. Clothes and jewelry that are out of style make great dress up clothes. Kitchen tools cluttering the drawers, your husband might be able to repurpose them as gardening tools. You never know whether someone else in your house could use something until you ask.
  4. Make it accessible. How often do you not use something simply because you don't know where it is, or it's too difficult to get to it? Once you've decluttered it should be much easier to organize items so that they are easier to access. Sometimes that's all it takes to make something more usable.
  5. Keep records. Don't let your hard work go to waste. You can't rely on your memory when it comes to storing so many details. You need a way to track the new storage places for items and the new uses that you've come up with. The easier it is to access this information, the more likely you will be to continue using these things in the future.

Remember How to Love Your Stuff Thanks to Stockpile Fast Easy Inventory System

If you're ready to tackle this challenge, you need Stockpile. Stockpile fast easy inventory system was designed for small business use but it is perfect for at-home projects. Adding records into Stockpile is quick and easy. Plus, Stockpile fast easy inventory system is fully customizable so you can choose which fields to include in your records. You can even include a photo to make future identification even easier. Once you have records you can track items even if you move them within your home or loan them to the neighbor down the street. Stockpile is mobile compatible so you'll be able to access your records anytime from anywhere. If you're ready to declutter and find new ways to love your stuff you need to try Stockpile today!

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