Everything Old Won’t Be New Again

According to the popular adage "everything old is new again," but is that really true? Are those vintage 70's bell bottoms coming back in style. What about the 60's white pleather boots? Your 80's psychedelic neon? Yes, fashion is cyclical and styles that have gone out will come back again but let's face it, designers want you to buy new not recycle your old stuff. Typically they will put a new spin on the old style so that it is noticeably different from the original version. Plus, can you really still fit in your old clothes? If you can, good for you, but you must realize that you are the minority.

We're all guilty. Whether it's frugality or sentiment, we hang on to old stuff that we no longer use or wear because one day it might come back into style and we'll be glad that we still have it. Right? That's totally going to happen, isn't it? We're waiting. Still waiting. And while we're waiting that stuff is taking up room in our closets, drawers, attics, etc. That doesn't matter though because it's not hurting anything.  Or is it?

Stuff that you aren't using that is taking up valuable space in your home may be hurting you more than you realize. Even if you have a spacious home with lots of free space allowing unused goods to clutter it up will make your home feel smaller. That can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction. Chances are even if your home still feels roomy you have invested in storage containers to hold your items. Those cost money, money that you could have spent on other things that you would use and enjoy.

Are those extra items and clutter making it more difficult to locate other items in your home? If so, that is hurting you as well. Finding things takes longer than it should. You create more of a mess digging through searching for what you need.

If you're holding to bygone fashion, accessories and more we encourage you to take a long hard look at what you're keeping.  We're not saying you have to get rid of everything. By all means keep your Varsity jacket, the shirt you wore the night you got your first kiss, the way too expensive purse that you splurged on when you got your first real paycheck. If you're emotionally attached to an item getting rid of it might hurt worse than storing it ever will. But if you have a load of stuff that is so out of style you would never wear it out of the house you might be ready to start clearing it out.  For tips on decluttering check out our blog.

Organizing Made Simple with Our Easy Inventory Management Solution

Okay, now let's talk about those items that you want to keep. Stockpile easy inventory management can help you manage those items so that you can store them in an efficient, effective manner and still find them anytime you want to walk down memory lane. Adding items into Stockpile is quick and easy. Plus, Stockpile easy inventory management solution is fully customizable so you can include the fields that you'd like to have. Want to include something about the memory attached to the item? You can do that. Want a record of the year you purchased it? Put it in there.You can even include photos in your item records so you can see your stuff without ever getting it out. Need to get to it? No problem. Using locations and areas you can pinpoint the exact storage location of all your items, allowing you to find things quickly.  Stockpile makes managing all your stuff as painless as possible.  Try it today!

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