Clutter Coma

Most of us have an area in our home that is essentially a dumping ground.  Everything that doesn't have a designated spot ends up here.  The result, a cluttered area full of unrelated items that we only dig through when we absolutely have to.  Why? Clutter coma. Just looking at that area can increase your stress level.  You know that you should declutter and organize the space but it seems like a such a big job. Plus, chances are you have decluttered it at least once and the clutter just came back so it seems like a pointless pursuit.  The worst part is that, whether you realize it or not, that clutter is costing you time, money and happiness. When you recognize all that you're giving up by allowing that area to fester you'll see why you need to get in there and get it organized.

  • Time: When you can't quickly and easily locate the items that you need you waste time searching for them.
  • Money: Often we don't have time to search for things that have been misplaced, or we forget that we own them at all, and we replace items that we already have at home.
  • Happiness: How does that clutter make you feel? Most of us feel a little guilty and stressed when we look at a messy area. That clutter is stealing your joy.

So, what are you going to do about it? How can you ensure that this time your fix will stick? Keep reading for some great decluttering tips and to learn how Stockpile can help you keep the clutter from coming back.

  1. Put on Your Critical Glasses: All too often we allow emotion to cloud our view of our clutter. We don't want to get rid of things for sentimental reasons, because we know how much we paid for them, or because it just seems wasteful. Be honest with yourself. If you haven't needed in the past few months you don't really need it. If it's broken, it goes. If it's out of style, out of date, or otherwise past its prime - it goes. The more you can get rid of, the less stuff you'll have to put away.
  2. Keep, Sell, Donate, Trash: Decluttering can be an arduous process. Only keeping the essentials will leave you with three piles of stuff that is going. Save yourself some work by sorting as you go. Items that are like new may be worth selling on at a yard sale, on Craig's List, eBay, or other outlet. If you're thinking of hosting a yard sale, click here for some tips. Donate items that are worn but still usable. Don't assume that someone else will want to repair your unwanted items.  If something is damaged or broken trash it.
  3. Invest in Proper Storage: One of the biggest mistakes people make when organizing is trying to make their stuff fit the storage solutions they already own. If you want your stuff to be accessible and stay organized you need solutions that work for you. Once you're down to just the items that you plan to keep you'll be able to see what you need to store them properly.  Good storage solutions will allow you to see what you have and easily access it as needed. You may need to invest in shelving, baskets, or bins.  It's worth it if it keeps the clutter from taking over again.
  4. Keep Records. Out of sight doesn't have to mean out of mind. The easiest way to keep track of what you own and where you store it is by using Stockpile inventory management solution. Enter item records as you put things away. Then when you need something you can look it up in the system so that you know right where to find it.

Curb the Clutter with the Best Free Online Inventory Solution

Stockpile is the best free online inventory solution. Adding records is quick and easy. You choose the fields that make the most sense to you. You can use both locations and areas to be as specific about an item's location as you'd like. That way you'll always know exactly where your things are stored. Stop letting clutter rule. Don't waste time and money fruitlessly searching or replacing items that you already own. Take charge of your stuff with Stockpile, the best free online inventory solution.  Try Stockpile today!

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