Category Archives: Small Business Tips

One Bad Apple

You've heard the expression "one bad apple can spoil the bunch" and that is so true when it comes to your business. A single employee with a bad attitude can leave your customers with an unfavorable impression of your company.  In the past we've talked about focusing on employee satisfaction as a way to improve…
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Beware the Winter Blahs

January comes in cold, wet and often ushers in cold and flu season.  It's no surprise that many people suffer from the winter blahs, or in more severe situations, seasonal affective disorder.  Even if your depression is the more mild variety, it can be difficult to deal with. The winter blahs affect more than just…
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Many Happy Returns

January is supposed to be a time of new beginnings but it is often characterized by long lines and disgruntled shoppers who are trying to return those holiday gifts that weren't just quite right.  Nothing heralds the end of the holiday season cheer quite like the aggravation of dealing with returns. If you own a…
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Keep ‘Em Guessing

Conventional wisdom would suggest that keeping people guessing can be a good thing. Keeping some information private preserves the mystery and keeps people interested. This is not, however, a good business practice.  Your customers need to trust you and be confident both in your ability to deliver the good or service that you promised and…
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