All Moved In?

simple at home inventory solutionThese days people tend to move around a bit more than they did in previous decades. In fact, census data shows that an average American moves more than ten times in their lifetime. That means by the time you reach a certain age you've had some experience packing and unpacking everything you own. Or have you? Be honest. Most people don't unpack everything when they get to their new location. The reasons vary; they didn't have room for everything, they ran out of time, the job was just too big. Many people still have items in boxes years after a big move. If this sounds like you this post will have some great information to help you get rid of the boxes. Plus, we'll tell you how using Stockpile simple at home inventory solution can change the way you live.

Organization Is Key

Before you even start thinking about the boxes you need to organize the rest of your home. You have to have places to put the things that you unpack so do yourself a favor and organize your house before you start worrying about anything else. Going room by room and decluttering is a great first step.

Pick a Box, Any Box

When you're ready to start unpacking you just need to pick a box and jump in. If your boxes were labeled from your move you can choose based on the room that has the most open space or the one that you think will have some items you feel like you've been missing. Whatever criteria you decide to use, make a choice and get started.

Remain Objective 

Unpacking a box of stuff you haven't seen in months or even years can be a walk down memory lane. Don't get so emotional that you lose objectivity. Keep in mind that you haven't needed any of this stuff so desperately that you cracked open the box to find it. Ask yourself if it's really worth keeping before you spend the time and effort to find it a spot in your home. If you don't need it start a donation or yard sale box and get it ready to exit your premises. Whatever you do, don't rebox it to continue to store. Keeping items that you don't need or use is just cluttering up your home and stressing you out.

Find It a Home 

Find homes for the items that you are keeping. Don't just carry items in to rooms and set them out. Taking the time to find an actual place to store things is best. If you just set things in rooms you're cluttering up the spaces you just cleared out.

Use Stockpile Simple at Home Inventory Solution

Now is the time to implement Stockpile if you haven't already been using it. You have two options; you can start inputting items in Stockpile as you're decluttering and add the unboxed items later or you can unbox first and then add items room by room. Either way, you'll be glad that you took the time to start tracking your belongings with Stockpile simple at home inventory solution. Adding items is quick and easy. Because Stockpile is fully customizable you choose which fields to include in item records. That means you can track more than just location. You can include photos, warranty info, where to get replacement parts and accessories and so much more. That makes Stockpile your own personal assistant. Plus, Stockpile is mobile compatible so you can access all this data while you're on the go. When you track your possessions in Stockpile you'll save time and money. No more searching for what you need. No more second guessing yourself when you're standing in the store. You'll know where to find what you own and when you need to buy new items. If you haven't used Stockpile yet, what are you waiting for? Try Stockpile now!

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