Resolve to Do Better

new inventory solutionA lot of people make New Year's Resolutions and a lot of people give up on them before Valentine's Day. This year resolve to do better. Make resolutions that you can, and will, actually stick with. Keep reading for some tips and to learn how Stockpile can help.

The new year is a clean slate, a chance to make a fresh start. Why not take this opportunity to start the new year off right? Implementing Stockpile new inventory solution is a great way to get a jump start on your goals for 2019. Inventory issues giving you headaches? Stockpile can solve them. Want to grow your business? If you use Stockpile you'll have more time to focus on other aspects of your business and make the changes that will help you expand. Stockpile can improve your efficiency, reduce spending, and improve employee morale. Stockpile is more than just an inventory management solution, it's the small business solution your business needs.

Looking for other resolutions you can successfully make? We have some suggestions for  you.

  1. Recognize your employees more. Employee retention can have a huge impact on your success and happier employees are more likely to stay with your company. Setting aside a day once a month to recognize employees can be a simple, yet effective, way to say thanks. Having a set day on the calendar also ensures that this recognition doesn't get overlooked or forgotten when things get hectic at work.
  2. Take time to recharge. A tired, worn out boss is often a cranky boss who has trouble dealing with unexpected issues. Don't be that boss. Remember to take time each month to recharge your own batteries so that you can really be there to support your employees and your business.
  3. Focus on your goals. Managing the day to day aspects of your business is important, but don't lose sight of your goals. You'll never reach your destination if you don't know where you're going. Set small, easily attainable goals that can be measured. This way you'll know what you're hoping to accomplish and have a way to track your progress.
  4. Appreciate your customers. Anyone who has ever worked with the public knows that some days can be especially trying. It's important to remember that your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Without paying customers your business won't succeed. Let your customers know that you value their business. This can create a loyal customer base and provide opportunities to grow your business more quickly.
  5. Reduce expenses. It seems like every year costs go up. That's why it's always a good idea to look at your balance sheet and see if you can cut costs anywhere. Don't expect to save a ton of money all at once, but remember that even little savings add up over time. If you can cut your expenses by just $100 per month that equals $1200 saved in just one year.

We hope these tips get your creative juices flowing and give you some great ideas for your own resolutions. A new year is another chance to make a difference in your company and your community.

If you still haven't implemented Stockpile, what are you waiting for? Stockpile is the small business inventory management solution that your business needs. Stockpile is fully customizable so it easily adapts to fit your unique business. Adding item records is quick and easy. Once you have records in the system you can easily track items using locations and areas. Stockpile grows with your business so inventory management is simple, even if you have multiple locations. Running reports only takes a few clicks. Having all the tax and end of year reporting info you need at your fingertips will alleviate a lot of stress for you and your employees. Try Stockpile today!

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