How Diverse Is Your Workforce?

Workplace diversity is a perennial hot topic. There are laws to prevent discrimination in hiring and there are annual studies to assess the diversity of the workforce in various industries.  A recent study on women in technology really highlights some of the advantages of having a more diverse workforce.  According to the 2015 results, the National Center for Women &  Information Technology found that higher levels of racial and gender diversity were associated with increased revenue, a larger customer base and a greater percentage of market share.  Furthermore, diverse teams consistently outperform teams comprised of only the highest ability members.  Clearly, hiring a diverse workforce can provide dividends for your business.

Hiring new employees is a time consuming, intensive process. You need to find not only someone who can do the work, but also a person who can fit in with the rest of your employees.  The success of your business depends on your ability to build a cohesive team. Often interviewers mistakenly think that means they should choose the candidate most like their current employees.  This is not the case. If everyone on your staff thinks the same way, they will likely approach problems in the same manner. This means that when an issue arises that doesn't have an obvious solution your team may be completely stumped because no one is questioning the status quo. You need those freethinkers who will be willing to suggest the radical idea that will keep your business growing.  So how do you find the perfect candidate? The person who will bring new ideas to the table, and still get along with the rest of your team.  Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  1. Different background. If everyone on your staff grew up in the local area it's likely they attended the same schools and were influenced by many of the same people. Adding a staff member who grew up in another part of the country or world can be a great way to expand your perspective. They will see your business and your market differently.
  2. Different gender and/or race. Our experiences are shaped by the way we are perceived and treated by the world. It's not only gender and race that affect our experiences either, socio-economic status can have a big impact as well. Someone who grew up in a nice house with plenty of food to eat will have a different perception of their hometown than the person who moved frequently and often went to bed hungry. Look for the candidates who can help you see things differently.
  3. Same values. This may be the most important factor when it comes to finding the right candidate for the job. You need an employee that shares your values, is willing to support company goals and who has a strong work ethic.  A lack of diversity in these areas is actually a very good thing. Your business will struggle if you hire some people who are always early and some that are never on time.  Similarly, dedicated employees will be frustrated by the lackadaisical coworker who refuses to do their share of the work.  You need employees who are committed to your business and helping you achieve your goals.

If you need more hiring tips review our previous posts here and here.

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