Tick Tock: Timing is Everything

“In the right place at the right time.”

Sometimes timing is everything. We know this well. Having a surplus of snow shovels when the blizzard hits. Selling hot chocolate during a cold snap. Being able to fulfill a need can be great for your business. Adoption of our small business inventory system was quicker than expected and created quite a buzz inside our company. In contrast, an overstock of things that aren’t timely can be detrimental. If you’re trying to sell bikinis they’re not going to move during a snowstorm. Likewise, you won’t get many takers for ice cream when the temperature outside is hovering near freezing. These examples may be obvious but other timing issues aren’t so clear cut. All business owners would choose to have the items that their customers want most and to forgo ordering those things that aren’t going to sell, unfortunately without a crystal ball it’s often hard to predict what inventory will fall into each category.

Fortunately, free small business inventory system can help. Inputting your inventory into our system makes it easier to track items. Since you can access inventory data anytime, from anywhere you’ll always know what you’ve got. Stockpile is also flexible, allowing you to customize the way that your data is organized. Want to track the flow of inventory within a single store? Create multiple locations such as stockroom, sales floor, damages, returns; whatever works for you. You’ll be able to transfer items from one “location” to another so you’ll always be able locate inventory. Have multiple locations? No problem! Stockpile makes it easy to track and transfer inventory across locations.

Often, it’s not just the day to day tracking of inventory that’s so problematic, it’s the end of year reports. Figuring out what worked for your business last year so you know what to do (or not do) next year. Stockpile’s reporting capabilities take the headache out of that challenge as well. Again, these reports can be run anytime from anywhere so you’re not chained to your desk trying to complete the year end recap. With flexibility like that you can use your time for the things that are most important to you.

Timing is critical for your small business to succeed. You need to have real time answers to inventory questions. The right items on hand, when your customers want them. Be implementing the right solutions at the right time. We’ve talked a lot about timing in previous posts on technology. If you missed any of these tips check out these posts: Late to the Party, It’s Time to Review Your Process Map, and Cloud Computing is Red Hot!

Need a free small business inventory system?

If you aren’t using our free small business inventory system, now is the time to get started! Stockpile will help you solve several of your biggest timing issues by providing real time inventory data anytime you need it. Plus, Stockpile streamlines your inventory management process so that you will have more time to focus on other things. Free time, the best kind of time there is! Get Stockpile today and start enjoying your time more! After all, who else has a free small business inventory system with no limits on usage? That's what we thought:-)

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