Things That Stick with You

We’ve been watching a number of sporting events lately and I’ve noticed they tend to run the same set of commercials over and over. As a result, most of us can now recite our favorites on command. That got me thinking about things that stick with you. It can be a song, a saying, a piece of advice. It may be the way it sounds, where you were when you heard it or the frequency with which you were exposed to it; whatever the reason some things just stick better than others. At Stockpile we're always coming up with tips for easy online inventory management and your small business.

Today, we’d like to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts that we hope will stick with you.

  1. You’ve got to be ready to grow. If you want your small business to succeed you’ve got to hit the ground running as your business starts to take off. Nothing derails growth faster than telling your newly attracted customers that the item you’re offering is on backorder. Likewise, poor customer service or lack of sales lead follow-up can be detrimental. You need to have a plan and the manpower to handle growth. Having an easy online inventory management system in place is a great first step.
  2. Technology is your friend. You need to be harnessing the power of all the technological solutions out there. Technology is a great equalizer. Want to compete with the big boys? You need to be using the same quality solutions.
  3. Don’t get so focused on attracting new customers that you forget about the old ones. Like the Girl Scout songs says “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold.” New customers are great but your existing customers are just as valuable and should be made to feel just as special. Make customer retention strategies a priority. The only way to grow your business is to add additional customers, simply replacing them with new ones may keep your business afloat but it won’t ever get you to the next level.
  4. Hang on to the things that you make special. As you add new solutions and update your processes, don’t lose sight of the things that make your business unique. We are huge advocates for finding ways to make tasks easier, but don’t get so caught up in taking the shortcut that you forget to focus on the personalized touches that give you a competitive advantage.
  5. Stress less. Most of us have too much stress in our lives. It’s important to take time to recharge when we need it. The negative effects of stress can ripple through our business and personal lives creating havoc. Commit to finding ways to reduce your stressors whenever possible.

Our Easy Online Inventory Management Solution is One You'll Want to Stick With

The last thing we’d like for you to remember is that Stockpile should be your first choice for easy online inventory management. Our FREE solution allows you to track inventory within a single location or across multiple locations. You can access your critical inventory data, anytime from anywhere. Quickly and easily add or delete items. Adding images to existing item records is a seamless process as well. Reports? No problem. Stockpile allows you to run the reports you need to effectively manage your inventory. Get Stockpile today!

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