Taking the Nuisance Out of Nostalgia

This time of year is great for reflecting on our past. We start to think about things that we loved from years ago or pictures of our younger selves and we are tempted to take a stroll down memory lane. The trouble is that memory lane isn't an expressway. What starts out as a quick trip can easily turn into hours spent reminiscing. Often once we start looking at old photographs or other mementos we create quite a mess for ourselves.  Today we're going to talk about ways that you can use Stockpile simple inventory system to make your memories more accessible and speed up your sojourns into the past.

  1. Create records.  We sound like a broken record the way we keep repeating this one, but we honestly can't say it enough. The easiest, and best, way to track your belongings is to create digital records. A few clicks and you'll be able to see what you have, and where you're keeping it.  It's quick and easy and allows you too "see" your stuff even when you're away from home.
  2. Organize. Even the best records won't be of much use if all they specify is "in a pile under the bed." You'll still be digging through the pile under the bed to find what you're looking for and likely creating a mess in the floor in the process.  Invest in some storage containers and sort your stuff via a method that works for you. Some people like to organize by date, others by type, others have a system that is totally unique to them. Whatever works for you, works. Just remember 'all jumbled up' is not a system. You've got to come up with an actual organizational system.
  3. Accessible doesn't have to mean stored in plain sight. We often worry that out of sight means out of mind and that if store things where we can't see them we'll forget that we have them. If you have records of your belongings in Stockpile this won't happen to you. You'll know what you have and where to find it, even if you keep it in the attic, the shed in the backyard or a storage facility down the road. When you can carry your inventory in your pocket you never have to worry about forgetting what you have.
  4. Share. It is great to be able to share our memories with future generations. It's hard to do that when you can't find what you're looking for. If you have records of what you've stored where it's easy to pull out the right box after dinner and share some photos or pull out that old dress or other keepsake to show the grandkids. You can share more when you can find things faster and that allows you to create more great new memories with the ones you care about.

Stockpile Simple Inventory System Makes Memory Lane a Smooth Trip

So, go ahead and take that trip down memory lane. Your roadster might not go as fast as it used to, but when you use Stockpile simple inventory system to track your keepsakes you'll be able to easily make the trip.  Try Stockpile today!

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