The Early Bird Gets…..

I bet you were expecting us to finish that title with “the worm” and while that might be the way the saying ends, that’s not what we were thinking.  We’ve been talking about the hazards of procrastination for years, click here or here for a refresher if you missed our previous posts on the subject. Today we’re taking a different approach and touting the benefits to being an early bird when it comes to getting stuff done.

  1. Less Stress. Some people truly believe that they work better under pressure. Even if they consistently provide great results after waiting until the last minute to work on a task, it’s hard to know whether or not that was actually their best work.  Perhaps they could have provided truly stellar results if they had allowed themselves more time to work and review their finished product.  Also, the pressure of a looming deadline affects our minds and our bodies whether we realize it or not. Remember cramming for exams in college? You likely fueled those late night study sessions with some less than healthy food. When we’re in a time crunch of any kind we tend to grab whatever is handy for food. Stress can cause all sorts of problems down the road from headaches, backaches and even heart disease.
  2. More Options. Our options are often limited when we are under the gun. We don’t have time to research multiple options.  We need to make a choice quickly and get started. Even if we find a great option we may not be able to get it in time. If you have materials that need to be shipped in from elsewhere you have to allow for travel time. Often you can get rush shipping but that service comes at a price.  To have the most options, at the best price, you need to start work early.
  3. Greater Savings. We touched on this above. Those who wait until the last minute often pay a premium for their dilly-dallying. Many companies offer discounts to those who order early. Even if there aren’t discounts available simply having more options (and more time to make a decision) will allow you to price shop. Those hasty, last minute decisions are the ones that really cost us.
  4. The Gift of Time. We all want to have time to do the things that we enjoy. Getting our work done early gives us the gift of guilt-free free time. Many people take time for themselves before their projects are completed but even when they are enjoying their favorite activity they are worrying about the work that still needs to be done.  To be truly free from that anxiety you need to have completed the project so that you can completely relax and destress. Plus you won’t have to guess at how much time you’re going to need to complete your work. Knowing that you’re done ensures that all the remaining time truly is your own.

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