
Staples are a tricky thing. We're not talking about the Swingline variety here, today's post focuses on your at home staples.  By definition, staples are those supplies that you always have on hand. Until you don't, that is. How often have you assumed that you have something at home "because you always have some of that" only to get home and realize that you used it all (or almost all of it) the last time you needed it. Now you have to run back to the store to replenish your supply or postpone your project until after your next shopping trip. Ugh! If only there was a way to check and make sure that you still had some at home while you were still at the store. But wait, there is. Stockpile!

Stockpile is mobile compatible so you can access your inventory anytime, from anywhere. Want to be sure that you still have all the staples you need at home? Just pull up Stockpile fast easy inventory system on your mobile device and you'll quickly and easily be able to tell whether you still have stock at home or need to pick up more while you're out.

This isn't our first post suggesting that you use Stockpile to track your kitchen "inventory". Several people have mentioned that while using Stockpile sounds great, it seems too time consuming and like too much work to enter all your groceries into the system.  We assure that it's not. Entering data into Stockpile is fast and easy. Stockpile is completely customizable so you can choose which fields you enter in item records. Don't want to track barcodes and prices? Skip it. You only add the data that is important for your needs. You may only want to track items by name, brand and size.  If you're a more visual person you can even include a photo in your item record.  If you're still not convinced that the benefits of Stockpile make it worth the time and effort to enter your data, why not just start with your staples? We're confident that if you try Stockpile fast easy inventory system, even with just a limited number of the items in your pantry, you'll realize how beneficial it can be.

Even if you never run out of the staples because you're always stocking up on them, you run the risk of having expired goods on hand. Not only does that cost you money, it can be detrimental to your health and well being if you forget to check the expiration date and accidentally cook with an ingredient that is past its prime.  By entering use by dates in your item records you can avoid that pitfall as well.

Stockpile is available for free, so you know we're not just trying to sell you something here. We truly do want to make your life easier and help you organize your kitchen so that you can save time and money on a daily basis. Stockpile was designed for small businesses but it can have so many benefits when used around your home as well.  Try Stockpile today and see what a difference it can make for you!

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