Simplicity drives user acceptance in software (especially inventory management)

As a long time user of complicated software in the corporate world, I will be the first to attest that the more complex a piece of software is, the less likely I will be inclined to embrace it. I'm not the only one. Whether it's a inventory management tool or a customer database, ease of use is key in getting large audiences to use the system.

The reality of user acceptance with inventory management and other systems is easy is better!

I worked with quite a few individuals who have expressed the same sentiment. A lot of times, the more buttons and options a piece of software provides, the more confused the user becomes. A way to improve on this issue attributed to many business systems is to create workflows based on user roles. The problem with using workflows is the level of effort needed to maintain them once they have been developed and implemented. Plus each company has a different way to doing things so the software becomes overly complex.

To improve user acceptance of business systems, companies need to focus on using software that is developed around the business's core functions and not worry about the fancy bells and whistles. These "extra features", more times than not, cause confusion in the workplace amoungst employees trying to perform their jobs. With the evolution and improved speed of the internet, many software development companies are starting to focus on providing businesses the core functionality needed to operate their business via an online service.

At Canvus Apps, we don't worry as much about the extraneous use cases of the few and focus instead on the needs of the masses. Stockpile, inventory management made easy by Canvus Apps, is a perfect example of simple software that speeds up processing and requires little training. The application is an online inventory management tool which allows users to access it from any device that has an internet connection. For price conscious business owners, Stockpile is free so there's no reason not to give it a shot. The founders of Canvus, believe in providing simple solutions that allow businesses to focus of what actually drives revenue growth and profitability. And that is customer service. Use our tool, save yourself some time and give back to your customers.

Please take the time to try Stockpile and see if it fits your business' needs. We'd love to hear what you think so feel free to provide feedback once your logged in.

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