Share the Load Successfully

Many hands make light work. The old adage sounds great, the more people you can get to help you out, the quicker your project will get done. That may hold true for manual labor tasks but often if you get too many people involved in your projects you end up duplicating work, missing steps and botching up the entire process. Does this mean that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself? Not at all. We promise, we’re done quoting sayings. Keep reading for some real tips that will help you share your workload with others and get things done right!

Communication is key. Be clear not only about what you need help with, but also how it needs to be done if there are specific requirements. Never assume that your employees and coworkers will know the details. Better to reiterate facts they already know as to risk overlooking an important piece of information they may have been unaware of. When possible put it in writing. Not only will you have a record of what was discussed, it gives others a guide to refer back to as well.

Share the big picture. Often when we are focused on a project, we focus on just that specific project and we only share the details directly related to the current task with others. If you share the end goals of the project with others they may feel more invested in the outcome. They may also have some ideas on inventive ways to achieve those goals that you hadn’t originally considered.

 Ownership. It can be a matter of pride and one of accountability. It’s human nature to want to do our best work when we know it’s our name going on the end product. If you ask others to help you without offering any recognition they may be less motivated to put in maximum effort. Worst case scenario, since they know their name won’t be attached to the final result they do a poor job and leave you to take the blame for the shoddy work. Recognizing those that helped you shows that you are a team player and that you can effectively manage projects.

Technology is your friend. Technology can really help when you have multiple people collaborating on the same project. From sharable docs to e-mail to calendars, technology can provide an electronic record of who is doing what when. For more examples of how to use technology to enhance your interoffice interactions check out our previous post. If your project is inventory based, Stockpile easy small business inventory solution is the best tool you can have in your toolkit. Multiple users can access inventory data, anytime from anywhere. It’ll be easy for everyone to stay on top of inventory movement. It’s quick and easy to transfer inventory from one location to another. If you need to track inventory as it moves through your business you can create locations for each area and then transfer items as they progress.

Share the Load with Stockpile Easy Small Business Inventory Solution and Succeed

Done properly, there are many reasons why getting others to help you complete projects is a great idea. Sharing the load can reduce your stress, enhance the overall success of the project and get things done faster so that you can move on to the next challenge for your small business. For more tips to help you grow your small business check back with us soon. For Stockpile, the best free easy small business inventory solution available click here!


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