Quick and Easy

small business inventory solutionSometimes it can be easy to overlook the smaller tasks that need to be done. Big projects are usually the ones that get the most attention and will garner the most praise or benefit when they're completed so they may seem like the most important. Don't count out the little guys though. Getting a lot of little things checked off of your to do list can provide a great feeling of accomplishment. Those little things can also add up to big benefits. Keep reading for some tips to help you get more done and to learn how Stockpile small business inventory solution can help.

Be a Planner 

Not everyone is naturally a planner, but when it comes to work a little planning can really pay off. Making a list of tasks can help you see how much you need to get done and devise a plan for accomplishing everything in a timely manner. Larger projects tend to have longer deadlines so look at those first. You may need weeks or even months to complete these tasks. Then fill in with the medium and small scope projects that can be completed while you are waiting on other parts of the big project. Having a plan for each day and week will make your days go more smoothly and help you avoid those frantic pushes to get things done at the last minute.

Use Your Time Wisely 

Everyone is guilty of wasting time at work. Whether it's checking your social media accounts, chatting with a coworker, or just lingering in the break room everyone does it from time to time. Often people waste time because they don't feel like they have enough time to start a new project before their next meeting, lunch, or the end of the day. Killing time before your next event can really kill your productivity. Let those little projects pile up and suddenly they'll be as time consuming as a major project. Knowing what you need to do and how long it will take can help you fit those small projects in when you have a little time. Getting them done will feel great and can have a positive impact on all aspects of your work.

Don't Let Them Drag You Down 

Stress is a major issue. It can lead to health issues, relationship issues, and can even cost you your job. Many people are familiar with their major stressors but they tend to overlook the minor things that are all causing them stress. Clutter can be a big contributor to your stress level. If your desk is covered in small things that need to be taken care of that can be increasing your stress level. Just knowing that you have a dozen tasks that you need to get done before the end of the week can be stressful. Checking some things off your list can reduce that burden and make you feel so much better. Save your stress for the things that you can't get rid of so easily.

Use Stockpile 

While we're on the subject of small tasks and things that cause you stress we should talk about inventory management. Most small business owners agree that managing inventory causes them major stress. It doesn't have to be that difficult though. Stockpile makes it easy to track inventory within a single location or across multiple ones. Adding item records is quick and easy. Because Stockpile is fully customizable you choose which fields to include in item records. This allows you to track the information that matters most to your business. Once you have records created you can easily transfer items from one location to another and track their progress within your system. Want to access your data while you're away from the office? You can! Stockpile is mobile compatible which means you can view your data from anywhere you have internet access. Need to run reports? We make that easy as well. Stockpile puts big time inventory management capabilities right at your fingertips. What are you waiting for? Try Stockpile today!



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