Never work a day in your life.

Recently, we received a piece of office equipment that was shipped with a “thought for the day” type of fortune card. Inside it read, “Find something you love to do, and you will never work a day in your life.” This quote comes from motivational speaker and best-selling author of the book “Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive” Harvey MacKay Mr. MacKay has lots of good advice pertinent to small business owners but certainly the quote above is one of the biggest. Doing what you love often makes it feel more like fun than work. It is worthy goal to strive for. Unfortunately, even when you love your job there are always aspects that you don’t relish. The challenge then, is finding ways to make the drudgery more fun.

For many business owners inventory tracking is the drudgery. Deciding what new stock to order can be fun. Even searching for the best price for inventory can be an interesting challenge. Creating new marketing and sales strategies can be an enjoyable process. Keeping track of what you have and where you have it is less exciting but still very necessary. This becomes the “work” aspect of your day. The part of your job that you dread doing. If this sounds familiar to you, Stockpile may be the answer you’ve been looking for. It's the world's best free online inventory management tool.

Entering your inventory into Stockpile is quick and easy. Our intuitive inventory management solution enables you to track inventory across locations. Stockpile gives you the ability to access your inventory data anytime, from anywhere. While we can’t promise that you will actually describe the process as fun, you can be sure that you will spend less time and effort tracking inventory and that will help you get back to the “fun” aspects of your business sooner. When you are able to effectively manage your inventory and devote more time to the parts of your business that you love to focus on, it can provide a positive boost not only for your mentality but for your bottom line as well. Try Stockpile, free online inventory management, today and see what a big difference it can make for your small business!

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