Inventory management is a key to profitability

Small Business Inventory Management Tips

Inventory management is one key to profitability in nearly any small business. That's exactly why we built Stockpile, the small business inventory software of the future.

A company that manages their inventory well can make more profit for the same product than a competitor who mismanages their own inventory. For example, certain items have a shelf life and are no longer useful after a certain date. These items can easily be identified by looking at the overall stock count. How so? All the small business owner needs to do is look at items with a high stock count first and then start to reshelf and/or re-position items that will expire in the near term. You don't have to be fancy and use things like RFID to catch a situation like this. All one needs to do is be disciplined and make an effort to spot situations where (over)stock and expirations are likely to occur.

The first step in achieving good inventory management is acquiring a system which helps you record your inventory activity efficiently, effectively and safely. Also being able to stay in touch with your inventory anytime and anywhere will bring more flexibility and stability to your business operations. Stockpile, online inventory management from Canvus Apps, is a wonderful free online inventory system that helps you achieve all of this and more. Small business owners have needs and our aim is to use software to help them! From adding inventory, selling inventory and being able to view inventory transactions for your business, Stockpile online inventory has you covered. Give Stockpile by Canvus Apps a try today. Its free and very user-friendly!

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