If It’s Not Online, Did It Really Happen?

By now you’re probably familiar with the phrase “Facebook Official” which refers to someone posting certain details on their Facebook account.  This mindset has led to some users to comment, “If it’s not on Facebook, it didn’t really happen.”  The meaning here is that unless you broadcast your news via social media, it may just be a rumor.  Engagements, marriages, promotions, even births aren’t viewed as confirmed until they are “Facebook Official”.

This got me thinking about Stockpile and your purchases.  I would posit that you don’t own the items you’ve purchased until you’ve entered them into Stockpile, here’s why.

You find an item in the store, you plunk down your hard earned cash (or swipe your plastic), the cashier bags it up and you bring it home.  What happens next?  Do you immediately find a spot for that item or does it sit in the shopping bag for a few days? Regardless of whether you let it sit or start using it right away, if you aren’t tracking this item in Stockpile it’s still a bit of an outlier.  You’ll know where this item as long as you can easily locate it visually when walking through your home.  If it lives in a cabinet, closet or drawer you may forget that you purchased it because it is so new and you are so unused to owning it.  This is particularly true of impulse purchases, those items that weren’t on your mind when you went to the store but that caught your eye and convinced you to bring them home anyway.  Depending on how many purchases you made that day, you could easily forget an item or two.  In several previous posts we’ve talked about the danger of purchasing duplicate items and the high cost in terms of dollars and time. Click here or here to learn more. You can’t afford to buy and store multiple versions of the same item.  The best way to avoid this scenario is to know what you have at all times and quickly and easily access that information when you are out at the store.  Stockpile makes it easy.   Our solution is mobile compatible so you can pull your inventory data up on your mobile device.

Even if the new item in question isn’t something that you are likely to duplicate purchase, entering it into Stockpile still has benefit.  You may need to find it quickly and not be able to remember where you put it. This is especially true of seasonal items that often get moved into storage when they aren’t in use.  Stockpile quick free online inventory solution can even help you keep track of important details regarding items. What if someone admires your new purchase and would like to know where you got it? You won’t have to guess if you’ve entered it in Stockpile. You can even record details such as brand, color and more that can come in handy if you are trying to purchase additional pieces and hoping they will coordinate with what you already own.
For you to truly ‘own’ your stuff, it needs to be entered in Stockpile.

Own Your Stuff Thanks to Stockpile Quick Free Online Inventory Solution

Tracking your items in Stockpile allows you to easily keep track of the things you own and provides valuable information about your items. These details can even come in handy in case of loss or damage.  Stockpile quick free online inventory solution is your at home partner, keeping track of the things you own, saving you time and money on a daily basis. See for yourself what a difference our solution can make - get Stockpile today!

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