I See You: Why Employee Recognition Matters

The overall job market outlook is continuing to improve with new jobs being added in many industries monthly. This is a great thing for those seeking work but it can present a challenge for employers.  When the economy is tight and jobs are scarce most people are content to stay where they are. The prevailing mentality among employees tends to be "any job is better than no job at all." When more opportunities are available employees have choices and are able to look for positions that pay well and provide other benefits that they are interested in.

As a small business owner you need to hold on to your good employees. There is always a cost associated with hiring new staff. It takes time to post positions, review resumes and interview candidates. Hiring someone is just the first step in the process. New employees often require training, plus there is a settling in period while they become familiar and comfortable with their coworkers and the overall way your company does business.  It pays to keep your employees happy and avoid this situation whenever possible.

In a previous blog post we talked about employee satisfaction and provided some tips on how to achieve this.  If you missed that post, click the link to review.  Today, we're going to talk about something a little simpler but still very effective.  People like to be seen and heard. No one likes to feel as though they are invisible. This is especially true of your employees. An employee who feels overlooked may feel unimportant. They start to believe that it wouldn't even matter if they quit.  They may question whether anyone would even notice if they left. This spells disaster for your company. Even if they don't quit they aren't likely to be working at their potential, in either quantity or quality of work.

So how do you let your employees know that you see them? It's not as difficult as it may sound.

  1. When you interact with your employees listen intently. Make eye contact and focus on what they are saying. All too often we are distracted, not just by other conversations going on around us, but by our devices, our need to check messages, etc. Failing to focus on your employees when they talk to you sends the message that you find other things more important than them and what they have to say.
  2. Recognize good work. When a project is completed take a moment to acknowledge those team members that contributed. This lets them know that you are aware of their contributions and appreciate what they do for your company. You don't have to make a big production out of recognizing their work, sometimes just a personal 'atta boy' is all it takes to make your employees feel appreciated.
  3. Ask for feedback. Give your employees a chance to share comments, concerns and successes with you. Often we assume that we know how things are going and we forget to gather the opinions of our employees as well. Perception can be reality and you need to be sure that you are aware of how your employees view their work environment. If they aren't as happy as you think they are, you need to know so that you can fix the situation before you have a mass employee exodus.
  4. Communicate. Share company goals, news of successes and challenges. There are very few secrets in a small company. Avoid rumors and unfounded concerns by being open and honest with your employees. This show of respect can a long way towards making employees feel like valued team members.
  5. Provide assistance when prudent. We realize that you can't fulfill every request that your employees make, but when possible provide the tools that they ask for to make their jobs easier. If someone needs time off to handle a personal matter, grant it when you can. Showing how much you care about your employees creates a feeling of good will that they will likely reciprocate.

Show Your Employees You Value Them, Get the Best Free Online Inventory Solution

One more word on tip number 5 above. If you have inventory, you need Stockpile. Trust us when we say that your employees will thank you. Stockpile best free online inventory solution makes it easy to track items within a single location, or across multiple locations. Adding inventory is a very simple process because Stockpile is fully customizable. You're able to choose the categories that make the most sense to you. Plus you can even include a photo in the item record for easy identification down the road. Want to check inventory when you're not in the office? No problem. Stockpile is mobile compatible, so you can access your inventory anytime, from anywhere.  Stockpile best free online inventory solution eliminates inventory headaches which makes for happy employees. Happy employees tend to be longterm employees which saves you time and money. Try Stockpile today!

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