Free online inventory management for small business!

It's no wonder why so many small business owners never get around to tracking their inventory properly, it's usually time consuming and expensive. That's why we built Stockpile, simple online inventory management for small business. It's super easy to use and full of features that make counting stock, reporting and tracking sales a breeze. We didn't include every bell and whistle ever invented, but we did make sure the basics are there. By focusing on basics, you'll accomplish the task at hand without wasting time.

The best new of all; however, is that online inventory management for small business is free when you use Stockpile! We've made sure you can add and remove stock in ways that meaningful for your business. For example, you can record:

[list type="1"]
  • New Stock
  • Returns
  • Sales
  • Damaged Goods
  • and more
  • [/list]

    After transactions take place, they're instantly available through the reporting interface. So if you want to go on vacation and keep up with the shop's operations, then just login and run the transactions report. You can see all the data you need to see to judge whether things are going okay or not - at least from a profit and loss perspective that is:-)

    Stockpile is the best tool out there whether you're a gym, at-home business, dry cleaners, restaurant, electronics store, distribution center, eyewear manufacturer, oil change, mechanic, lawn care provider, or just about any other small business out there. It's free. It's simple. It's always online. No matter what you do we've got you covered. Get started today and see what simple inventory management for small business is all about.

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