Don’t Let Technology Become a Crutch

Have you ever met someone who was so dependent on their phone with its handy phonebook that they couldn’t remember even a close friend’s number without it? What about someone who so routinely uses a calculator that they hesitate when confronted with a simple addition problem if they don’t have one handy? We are all so connected that it is easy to become dependent on technology without even realizing what is happening.

We’ve talked a lot about the ways that technology can help you grow your small business and we still fully support that position. We do, however, want to help you avoid some of the pitfalls that can come along with a heightened use of technology. We offered a number of suggestions in our series on technology for your small business and we hope that you have implemented some of these solutions and are already experiencing the benefits they can provide. It is important to be sure that employees don’t become so dependent on these technologies that they can’t function without them though.

This really is easier than it sounds and it can even be fun. Challenge employees to do mental math and then check themselves with a calculator instead of just plugging the numbers in and waiting for the answer to flash on screen. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had someone ask me what 50% off of a price would be. Really? Have we become so dependent on calculators that we can’t even divide a number in half in our heads? Even percentages that aren’t that easy can be done in your head. A simple way to calculate percentages off is by dividing by 10 and then multiplying that answer by the correct power of 10. For example, 30% of $50 could be found by dividing 50 by 10 which equals $5. Then multiply $5 by 3 and that gives you 15. So 30% off of $50 would be $15 off. You should also be able to determine that $15 off of $50 would mean the item would now cost $35. Why is this so important to the success of your business? If your customer is considering an item but they aren’t sure of the price, having an employee that can quickly provide that information on the sales floor could make the sale. Many people don’t want to take an item to the register to find out the price because they feel cheap if they decide that it isn’t in their budget. Keeping your mental math sharp can help your customers make the decision to buy.

Computer aided design is great and allows for quick and easily reproducible art but who doesn’t appreciate a hand drawn picture? Remember to take the time to create things by hand every so often just so that you don’t lose that ability. What if your next software upgrade doesn’t go as planned? You still need to be able to create flyers and other media to promote your business.

Customer follow up is another area that can benefit greatly from technology but it can also suffer. E-mail is a great way to communicate with your customers but there is something to be said for the personal touch of a phone call. Many people have become so reliant on e-mail that they experience discomfort when tasked with placing a call to someone they don’t know. Having employees conduct phone follow ups from time to time will help them build and retain this skill. For more tips on personal presentation review our previous post here. Remember, technology should enhance your business efforts, it shouldn’t become a crutch that you can’t get by without.

Don't Let Technology Hold You Back, Move Forward with our Simple Inventory Management Solution

Stockpile simple inventory management solution is a great way to manage your inventory issues. Our free online solution allows you to quickly and easily manage inventory within a single location or across multiple locations. Adding or deleting items is a simple process that can be done anytime from anywhere, thanks to our mobile accessibility. How do you avoid becoming too dependent on Stockpile? Use our reporting functionality to generate hard copies of the data that you might need most often. Then if the power goes out, you’ll still have an idea of what you have and where you’re keeping it. Haven’t tried Stockpile's simple inventory management solution yet? Get started today and start realizing the benefits of having a robust simple inventory management solution working for you. With Stockpile handling your inventory, you’ll have plenty of time to manage your other business concerns.

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