Don’t Let Indecision Derail Your Small Business

There’s a lot to be said for carefully weighing your options and considering the pros and cons of a situation before making a decision. Take too long in this process however, and your indecision can become a decision in and of itself. We strive to make good decisions about the evolution of our small business inventory system. We even put in a process that keeps indecision from occuring!

Still not sure that you want to use Stockpile for your inventory management needs? A little nervous about migrating to the cloud? Wavering on implementing one of the other new technologies that we’ve recommended for your small business? We get it. These are all big decisions that will have a huge impact on your business. Of course you need to gather the facts, read some expert reviews and thoroughly consider all the implications of any choice before you jump in.

Fans of the “The Big Bang Theory” may remember the episode where Sheldon is trying to decide which new gaming system to invest in. He’s made his lists of pros and cons and yet he still can’t determine whether the PS4 or the Xbox One is the better system. He ends up sitting in the electronics store until after closing time without purchasing either one. That’s fine for a TV character trying to buy an entertainment device, but behavior like that could be detrimental for your small business. Sheldon’s girlfriend finally offers to buy him both systems just to help him move past this dilemma, but that’s not likely to be a good solution for your bottomline. In business, you can’t afford to sit on the fence for too long. You need to make critical business decisions, and you need to do it in a timely manner. We don't have the luxury of waiting on consensus at Canvus, we simply invoke our voting process when it comes to stalemated topics revolving around our small business inventory system's future.

We’re assuming that you don’t have a crystal ball or a in-house psychic to make the choices clear for you, so how do you find the confidence to make these tough decisions? Reading our blog is a great step in the right direction. Not only can you find everything that you’ve always wanted to know about inventory management here, we’ve also compiled a ton of other information to help you grow your small business. Research, research, research. You need facts to make an informed decision. If you’ve created a process map, you know which areas of your business are in dire need of upgrades. You can be confident that you are focusing on the processes that will benefit the most from a change. Once you’ve gathered the facts, get some opinions. There’s no need to blindly start down a path that others have walked before. Let them illuminate the way. Keep in mind that often the most vocal are the least satisfied. If their complaints are things that you can live with, great. You’re ready to commit and start using your new solution. Do the issues they raise strike you as possible deal breakers? Keep looking. See if there is anything else out there that would better suit your needs.

The best free small business inventory system available.

A huge part of the decision process has to be financially grounded. How much of an investment do you have to make to give this new solution a try? Risking more that you can afford to lose can be the death of your small business if things don’t work out as planned. Of course, if you’re considering Stockpile, our solution is free. Your only investment will be time it takes you to get set up and because Stockpile is so intuitive and easy to get started with, even that will be minimal. Some decisions are just easier to make than others. Try our small business inventory system today! And you'll see the benefit of educated decisions made in a timely fashion. After all, we're not the leading small business inventory system for nothing.

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