Inventory Management: Cloud-based applications defined

Free, cloud-based, online inventory management for small business!

What makes cloud based applications so appealing? Cloud-based software applications, like our inventory management tool, place them in sharp contrast to more traditional software packages. In most instances, cloud applications are also just as effective and robust—if not more so—than their retail, “boxed” counterparts. Some of the obvious benefits of cloud-based technology include:

Cost is perhaps the most important benefit of cloud-computing applications, as cost was previously one of the major roadblocks for small businesses seeking to incorporate certain software platforms into their operations. Today’s cloud-based software is generally affordable and fits most budgets. As the service provider maintains and monitors the program, as well as conducts regular upgrades and updates, there’s no need for expensive outside IT support.

Accessibility is another key benefit of cloud based applications. All that’s required to access cloud-based applications is an Internet connection, something most small business owners already have. Because the software is not confined to a single computer terminal or business network, it’s ideal for owners and staff who must have access to the software when at home, on the road or other locations outside their business.

Efficiency is vital when it comes to small-business software; many owners and their staff simply do not have the time to properly install software applications and learn how to use them. Cloud based applications generally do not require any installations or downloads, and as the developers of these software services typically have the small business owner in mind when creating them, they’re generally easy to learn and use.

Stockpile is a free, cloud based, easy to use, online inventory management application designed for small business owners. It can be accessed from anywhere that provides an internet connections, using a device with a web browser on it.

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