Can Controversy Be a Good Thing?

Let's go old school for a minute with some Eminem lyrics from 2002.

"This looks like a job for me/so everybody just follow me/'Cause we need a little controversy"

While you may not need controversy, you and your business can certainly benefit from it in certain situations. We often consider controversy a bad thing, and try our best to avoid it. However, if everyone shared the same beliefs and thought the same thoughts our world would stagnate. How would anyone ever decide where to go or what to buy? When things are too homogenous it can be difficult to make choices. We need differentiators. We need those outside of the box thinkers who are willing to push the envelope and forge new paths.

Staying the course is definitely the safe option. If you have a business model that is working for you why shake things up? Because if you are successful, others will copy your ideas trying to recreate your success for themselves. Because if you stay still your competition will pass you by. Because without innovators we won't see new inventions that move us into the next century.  Creating controversy within your business by trying new things is probably the best form that you can have. Challenging the accepted practices and stepping outside your comfort zone can be controversial but so very rewarding.

What about less positive forms of controversy? Those times when you take an unpopular stand or through no fault of your own find yourself embroiled in a volatile situation? This can be trickier to navigate unscathed but it can still be a boon for your company.

There is an old saying, "There is no such thing as bad publicity." While that is debatable, it is true that even bad publicity does get your name out there and garners some attention. The trick is making sure that the publicity you receive provides benefits for your company, not harm.

The biggest key to ensuring that you can ride the wave of controversy is to choose your battles wisely. You don't have to comment on every cultural, political or other topic that comes up. Only take a stand regarding those issues that you strongly believe in. Unless you are willing to bet the future of your company on public perception of your stance, you shouldn't make one.  Even seemingly innocuous topics can be polarizing. You may think that everyone will agree with your position, but the reality is that it is highly unlikely. There will be people who disagree with you, people who are downright offended by what you said.  If you firmly believe in what you said, you shouldn't have a problem standing behind it. It may cost you some customers but it could gain you some new ones who agree with your message.

Any good PR person is familiar with the concept of spin.  The idea is that you can "spin" a situation to your benefit.  This is particularly useful when applied to controversial events or topics. Is your area undergoing gentrification? Are you one of the new businesses taking over the marketplace? Rather than being seen as the enemy coming in and taking over their community you can promote your arrival as an opportunity for residents.  A chance to experience new things, a chance to grow and evolve as a neighborhood. Talk about how you will fit into their culture. Emphasize your respect for the area and the reasons why you are excited to be joining their community. Yes, your arrival will be controversial. Yes, there will be some drawbacks for longtime residents. Yes, it can be a good thing for everyone involved.  Find your pluses and then really play them up.

Controversy doesn't have to be a negative thing for your business. With some planning and a commitment to see it through, you should be able to overcome and even benefit from controversial situations.

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