Ahh…summer! Keep up with our online inventory system while you’re away!

An online inventory system will let you stay connected while away.

Ahh...summer.    The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer.   Vacation destinations are calling.   Wouldn't it be nice to take a week (or two) and just relax?   How many times have you said you weren't going to even think about work while you were on vacation?   Now be honest, how many times have you actually followed through?   Technology has given us the capability to check in on work issues from wherever we may be and it is hard to resist that temptation, particularly when the business in question is your own. We know this well as small business owners. That's why our online inventory system is accessible wherever you have an internet connection. Not that we're suggesting staying online, but if you need to check in Stockpile should be your choice for small business inventory management.

A recent Forbes.com article Feeling Overconnected? 5 Reasons to Unplug from Technology After Work outlines the importance of managing your work/life balance. The number one reason on their list? Stress recovery. By continuing to 'check in' on work we are denying our brains the opportunity to relax and recover from the day.

By engaging in work related activities while on vacation we are really cheating ourselves out of some much need R & R.

The key to being able to disconnect is having the confidence that things will continue to operate productively even when you aren't in constant contact.   Having the right personnel and processes in place to keep things running smoothly. While Stockpile gives you the ability to access your inventory remotely, it can also give you the freedom to not have to. Once your data is entered in Stockpile it is so simple to track inventory that any of your employees can easily do it in your absence. Plus, since Stockpile is free, you won't have to worry about how you're going to pay for an expensive inventory management solution.

So when you take off for a few days this summer - really get away and relax so that you can recharge.

Enjoy your vacation!

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