
Technology in 2013: corporate and small business software and such

[heading type="h2" ]Small Business Software | Online Inventory Management[/heading] Each year Gartner releases their top ten strategic technologies. As we've mentioned in previous posts, Stockpile fits right into their list. Namely, the fact that Stockpile is a small business software application is one reason. And it's delivered via an internet connection (SaaS) with no need…
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Online Inventory System for Small Business Owners

An inventory system is an essential tool that all of us small business owners need to take advantage of it you're not already doing so. The best inventory systems keep track of all equipment, materials, resources for our company. We know how time-consuming, tedious keeping up with these items can be but are just as…
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Handling Returns and Inventory Management

Sooner or later, customers will want to bring something back. You'll need to restock this item using our inventory management system's add function. This can happen for a number of reasons, which boil down to 2 main cases: 1. The item is in good working order, but they just don't want it. 2. The item…
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Inventory Management: Keeping Customers Happy

Inventory management systems are important to the success of your small business for a multitude of different reasons. Some of those being to monitor product shortages, determining scheduling for purchasing requirements and disposing of obsolete or unsold products. Having what your customers need and want will always be key in sustaining a controlled business model.…
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